Publicola has a blurb today about a rough wreck the director of the Bicycle Alliance of Washington took last week. In some twist of fate, she was helped out by an employee of Salmon Bay Sand and Gravel, the company that has been most vocal in its opposition to closing the Ballard missing link of the Burke-Gilman trail. Maybe it’s a sign that we should have a talk about this thing again. Maybe we could all be friends…
From Publicola.
Barbara Culp, director of the Bicycle Alliance of Washington, broke her pelvis in a bike accident last week (her first bad accident ever) at a city construction site. Culp says she rode on to the sidewalk to avoid a large hole city stormwater workers had cut in the street, and then fell when she went over a curb and into a pile of construction gravel.
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“I suppose I could blame [the Seattle Department of Transportation],” Culp says, but “I’m not that litigious.” Culp says the first person who came to her aid was a driver for Salmon Bay Sand and Gravel—the company that has been among the most vocal opponents of completing the “Missing Link” of the Burke-Gilman Trail. “It was sort of a redeeming moment of humanity,” she says. Culp’s injuries will put her out of commission for about three months.
One response to “Bicycle Alliance leader wrecks, helped up by Salmon Bay Sand & Gravel worker”
Hey Seattle Bike Blog-
You know, writing a post and then saying a very similar thing to what someone else wrote and/or just copying and pasting massive excerpts from other blogs isn’t exactly all that. Perhaps you could just do a morning digest like everyone else note that someone else wrote an interesting story and be done with it.