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Yesterday was a great day for flannel

Sunday was cloudy and just chilly enough for wearing flannel. Perfect timing for the Tour de Flannel, organized by Muuqi of Life(Cycles). The ride, which benefited Bike Works, was leisurely 20 miles from Gas Works to the Red Hook Brewery in Woodinville. It was all along the trails, so it was mostly about talking and enjoying the Seattle fall weather.

To me, that’s the point of the Tour de Flannel. It’s a celebration of the fact that, in Seattle, you can bike year-round. You just need flannel sometimes (and a rain jacket).

In the meantime, a 40-mile ride is a great way to find out if your bike saddle is not the best fit for your butt. Judging by the soreness, I think I need to go saddle shopping…

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5 responses to “Yesterday was a great day for flannel”

  1. Dang! That looks like a cool event! I wish I would have heard about it earlier!

  2. Also, are those the same people who are making this film? http://www.lifecyclesfilm.com/

    1. Tom Fucoloro

      Nope. Different. Muuqi’s film would probably look a lot different than that one…

  3. Allison

    Flannel – boo! Merino – yay! COTTON KILLS!

  4. I saw you guys riding home from a morning of birding. I was really confused but it was a nice sight. Wish I’d had adorned mine for the day.

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