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Meet the candidates for Cascade’s Board

There are 14 candidates for the nine soon-to-be-vacated seats on the Board of Directors for Cascade Bicycle Club. Aside from reading about candidates online, members can meet the candidates at the Seattle Bike Expo and at the Candidate Forum March 22, which is the last day for voting.

The current Board said in January they would resign following member outrage over the firing, then re-hiring, of Executive Director Chuck Ayers. That fiasco was talk of the town for a couple months, but seems to have died down. Electing a new board could mark the end of this phase for the 13,000-member club.

From Cascade:

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Reading the candidates’ statements … is one means of getting to know your board candidates. Several opportunities to meet the candidates in person are also available. First, on Saturday, March 12, during Cascade’s Seattle Bicycle Expo, Presented by Raleigh, we will host a “Candidate Meet-and-Greet” from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Cascade Lounge (second floor near the Club’s booth). This will be an informal time for Club members to talk to candidates (please be advised that not all candidates are able to attend). Bike Expo is Saturday, March 12 and Sunday, March 13 at Smith Cove Cruise Terminal on the north Seattle waterfront. A second opportunity will be at the Candidate Forum on March 22, Magnuson Park Community Center, 7400 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle The Brig, (Building 406), Magnuson Park, 6344 NE 74th Street, 98115. The Forum will run from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Given the number of candidates, the exact format of the Forum is still being worked out; however, a question and answer period is being planned.

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2 responses to “Meet the candidates for Cascade’s Board”

  1. NickBob

    Is it just me, or do most of the candidates have a depressing sameness to their write-ups? “Experienced in non-profits, bikes good, I ride bike, make bike here better. ” Not much in the way of what the club needs to advocate for from the state or local governments. This slate looks like they’ll continue to make the club about the events first, transit troublemakers a distant second, third, forth, or fifth. Perhaps a focused group is required for that purpose.

  2. Kevin

    @NickBob guess we’ll just have to go to the meet and greet.

    Personally, I think Don Volta & Michael Snyder are vote worthy.

    You may remember Don’s name, he was previously on the board but the the right thing and resigned when his term expired, so he didn’t have to be recalled. His goal is to fix the problem of the major CBC rides selling out within hours of them being announced. Think RSVP / RSVP 2 quagmire.

    If you’ve ever advocated for cyclists via the government bureaucracy, you’ve probably run into Michael. He’s been a regular fixture at the Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board meetings and has always been very calmly dedicated to cyclists rights. He’s a driving force behind SeattleLikesBikes.org and Spokespeople.us

    I can’t speak for anyone else in that list. If you had one question to ask, ask if they’re pro-David Hiller. Vote for the people that say yes.

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