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Bike Works’ Bikes-for-All program aims to help adults of all backgrounds start biking

I was sitting here, trying to think of some information to add to introduce this post, but the information from Bike Works’ website nails the major points: We need to break down economic barriers to owning a working bike, and we need more environments where all people feel comfortable learning how to safety bike in traffic.

Of course, Bike Works is leading the way. More details from their website:

According to the City of Seattle’s 2012 Bicycle Participation Survey, far and away the largest barrier to bicycling for Seattle adults is access to a bike. Only 40 percent of Seattle adults has access to a working bicycle, likely due to cost. Access to bicycles is dramatically unequal as well with white people far more likely (43 percent) to have access to a bicycle than non-white people (30 percent).

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Bikes-for-All! provides marginalized adults with a commuter bike complete with lights, a lock, a helmet and other accessories needed for successful year-round bicycle transportation. More importantly, the program provides participants with quality and in depth bicycle safety instruction.

Enrollment in the Bikes-for-All! program is offered as a partnership with direct service agencies. Bike Works staff instructors and partner agency staff meet ahead of time to customize the six-hour class’s curriculum elements in order to ensure a culturally relevant and competent experience for instructors and students. A typical six-hour session includes both classroom and on-bike instruction for up to eight participants and concludes with all participants being awarded their new bicycle. Topics covered:

About the Bike
– In the Classroom

  • Bikey-Talk – Bicycle Anatomy and Vocabulary
  • Fix-a-Flat, Clean a Chain – Simple Maintenance to Keep You Rolling
  • Get Comfortable – Helmet & Bike Fitting
  • Lock It, Don’t Lose It – Bicycle Security & Techniques for Locking Your Bike

About Biking – On the Road

  • ABC Quick-Check – the Pre-Ride Safety Checklist
  • Love the Levers – Operating Your Bicycle’s Brakes and Gears
  • Know Your Rights – Cyclist’s Rights and the Rules of the Road
  • Be Predictable – Safe and Empowered Vehicular Cycling
  • Skip the Hills – Route Finding and Selection

Are you a direct service provider interested in becoming a site partner? Do you have questions about the Bikes-for-All! program or any of Bike Works’ other bicycle education programs for adults?
Contact Programs, 206-695-2416.

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3 responses to “Bike Works’ Bikes-for-All program aims to help adults of all backgrounds start biking”

  1. […] more: <b>Bike</b> Works' <b>Bikes</b>-for-All program aims to help adults … This entry was posted in Blog Search and tagged brakes, cyclist, empowered, gears, hills, love, […]

  2. Blake Trask

    Fantastic program, Bike Works!

  3. Thanks, Tom!
    Thanks, Blake!

    I think it’d be ungrateful of us not to use this comment to shout out to our partner and sponsor, Washington Bike Law! Luv ya! Check ’em out if you ever get in trouble out there!


    Davey Oil, one of the teachers at Bike Works

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