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FamilyRide: Gotta haul something that won’t fit in your car? Call your friend with a family bike!

fr-boxWhile my misery is loving the company my least favorite intersection post generated last week, I’m in the mood for something lighter this week.

The kids and I hauled a big (empty) box from Green Lake to Lower Queen Anne yesterday. A fellow bicyclist took a picture for me at my least favorite intersection (N 34th St/Fremont Ave N in Fremont).

The best part about this box is that it’s not even mine. It was too big to fit in my friend’s car so I transported it for her.

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While this box was slated to ride in a fairly large sedan, it’s great fun to compare carrying capacities of small cars and cargo bikes. Julie of Wheelha.us carried our
collective four children in her Madsen bucket bike and naturally, we had to stop by a yellow Smart Car to gloat:

Screen Shot 2013-02-15 at 10.08.51 AM

Madi is Seattle Bike Blog’s Staff Family Cycling Expert. She lives in Wallingford and bikes all over town with her two kids’ in tow. You can read more of her adventures and thoughts on family life on two wheels at FamilyRide.us.

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5 responses to “FamilyRide: Gotta haul something that won’t fit in your car? Call your friend with a family bike!”

  1. Peri Hartman

    That’s quite a load. Almost as big as the smart car itself!

  2. Jake Rusby

    Maddie, you rock!!!

  3. […] Family Ride post on Seattle Bike Blog was Gotta haul something that won’t fit in your car? Call your friend with a family bike! in which I toted a big empty box for my […]

  4. Yay Julie! Way to haul those kids.

  5. […] 11: Wild Card Destination: Preschool with big box Miles: 6.3 As seen on Seattle Bike Blog, I transported a cardboard box for my friend since it was too big to fit in her car. So fun! […]

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