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Man biking in Wallingford injured December 19, friend seeks information

Screen Shot 2014-01-03 at 10.52.44 AMA man in his 50s was biking near 36th and Pacific early December 19 when something happened, leaving him with serious injuries and no memory of how he got hurt.

The incident occurred between 4:30 and 5:30 a.m. and may have been visible from the Burke-Gilman Trail, though it was dark.

“His bicycle was found damaged, on the ground, and he was found seriously injured and on the ground,” his friend and colleague David said in an email. “He has no memory of the incident (or hours previous to the incident, for that matter).”

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It’s unknown if a motor vehicle was involved. In fact, that’s a big question they are trying to answer.

“He could have been hit by a car/truck/bus, another bike, a pedestrian, or perhaps he hit an obstruction in the road — anything is possible,” David said. “We’re looking for people who might have seen something.”

If you did see something or have any information, contact David at 206-304-8500 or David (at) FlashingRedLight (dot) com. We have withheld the injured man’s name at the request of his colleague.

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