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It’s snowy! Obviously, that means it’s time to look for ‘sneckdowns’ on streets near you

We don’t get the chance to do this often, Seattle, so don’t miss the chance to document some of the “sneckdowns” on streets near you.

What is a sneckdown, you ask? Well, mother nature has essentially painted the city’s streets with a valuable traffic calming and street design demonstration. It’s tactical urbanism falling like manna. When snow covers the lane markings and obscures the curbs, people driving create new and much narrower paths. The result is a very visual demonstration of how much space on our streets could be reclaimed for extended sidewalks, curb bulbs, crossing islands, bike lanes or even public plazas in the most dramatic cases.

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Basically, when you are trudging to the sledding hill, imagine if the state or city built permanent sidewalks wherever the snow is untouched. A “neckdown” is more commonly referred to as a “curb bulb” in Seattle, an extension of the sidewalk to help make people waiting to cross the street more visible and to shorten the distance needed to walk from curb-to-curb. “Sneckdown” is a portmanteau of “snowy neckdown” coined in New York City.

Our streets have been designed to give an enormous amount of space to cars, especially at intersections. When sidewalks are cut back, people driving take turns much more quickly. This is extremely dangerous, and a major cause of injury and death. But when snow falls, one of the most common results is that people take slower and sharper turns, leaving snow near the curb untouched. A slower turn doesn’t stop people from getting where they’re going.

So why can’t it be this way even when it isn’t snowing? Nature has already taken care of the early design concept.

Have you noticed any sneckdowns near you? Let us know in the comments! If you have photos to share, email [email protected].

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8 responses to “It’s snowy! Obviously, that means it’s time to look for ‘sneckdowns’ on streets near you”

  1. Rich

    As a bicyclist, curb bulbs are rarely my friend.

    1. Peri Hartman

      Agreed. Also center dividers when there’s no bike lane. They just make bikes merge into the car traffic. However, curb bulbs with a cut through for cyclists could help.

  2. donttreadonme


  3. Marko

    This is somewhat like the basic concept behind a protected intersection.

  4. asdf2

    Here is a good example of a curb bulb which forces cyclists into an unnecessary merge with car traffic:


    There are great bike lanes available just a few more blocks down the road, but this what you have to go through to get to them.

    1. The curb bulb just goes out as far as the parking. If you are riding in a good position (i.e. not in the door zone) this curb bulb isn’t going to be an issue. It isn’t good to be weaving in and out of traffic/parking lane, especially on uneven concrete slabs like this. I did that once, and hit an uneven slab at a parallel angle which caused me to take a tumble.

  5. jradick

    Yeah, that’s what we need… further restrict cars and parking! I mean, after all, sooo many people are walking to work these days because the city is totally designed for walking from West Seattle to Kirkland (*eye roll). How about we fund children’s education for how to cross the damn street rather than adding stupid features to existing roadways…?

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