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SDOT installs concrete blocks to improve safety on car-light Lake Washington Blvd

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SDOT has finally installed the concrete “ecology blocks” the department had initially planned as part of their efforts to deter driving on the people-focused Lake Washington Blvd Keep Moving Street.

As we reported last week, the eco blocks are there to help reinforce the wooden “street closed” signs, which are easily dislodged or moved. But just days before the project opened, SDOT used their supply of eco blocks to build a wall around the Seattle Police Department’s downtown West Precinct instead.

Lake Washington Blvd is closed to through traffic, but people can drive on the street in order to access or service a home on the street. People are allowed and encouraged to walk in the street along with people biking, creating a lot more space for people whether they are getting around or just out for some fresh air. Previously, there were no bike lanes and everyone walking needed to share a path that is far too skinny for maintaining social distancing.

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2 responses to “SDOT installs concrete blocks to improve safety on car-light Lake Washington Blvd”

  1. asdf2

    The name is strange. What do these blocks have to do with ecology?

    1. Eco-blocks are made from recycled materials including waste from construction and demolition. They are sometimes treated with a coating that absorbs molecules responsible for causing acid rain. More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eco-Block

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