You have until December 5 to complete Sound Transit’s online survey about potential walking and biking improvements near South Tacoma Station. More details from Sound Transit:
In 2021, we assessed current conditions for walking, rolling, bicycling, and taking transit to and from South Tacoma Station. The assessment identified gaps and potential improvements to make it easier to access the station and get around the neighborhood. We did not do this alone! We started with more than 35 ideas drawn from city, county and transit agency plans, as well as Sounder riders and other community members during our spring outreach.
We evaluated each possible idea using criteria based on our goals. We took our work back to the community in fall of 2021 to get your feedback. Based on our analysis and community feedback, we identified some improvements to carry forward—those are what you see today. Read the report from our first phase of the project for more information.
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Now, we’re refining the possible improvements and starting early design work. This will help us evaluate potential environmental impacts and financial limitations.