Josh Feit is a longtime reporter, a co-founder of PubliCola News and now a writer for Sound Transit. But on Thursday, he’ll showcase a different kind of writing: urban design poetry.
Head to Good Weather Bicycle & Cafe in Capitol Hill’s Chophouse Row at 7 p.m. Thursday to hear Feit read from his new poetry collection The Night of Electric Bikes published by Finishing Line Press. There will also be music, according to the event listing: “Electronic artist Rob Joynes & vocalist Malia Seavey open with a set of transit pop covers.”
Book reviewer Paul Constant interviewed Feit about the collection for Poetry Northwest, which includes this quote: “The pro-city thing really resonates with me, because I want to push back against an idea that comes up a lot in poetry and in literature, which is this fetishizing of authenticity, and fetishizing the idyllic and simple and rustic and uncontaminated. There’s this kind of fascistic thing about the uncontaminated and the idea that we’re being ruined by cosmopolitanism and technology. I’m trying to push back against that and say, life is complicated. Life is not the beauty, life is the mishmash and the overlapping ideas.”