SDOT is starting work on a series of new and upgraded healthy streets in the Aurora-Licton Springs area that will connect to the existing 1st Avenue NW healthy street and upgrade the regional Interurban North bike route on Fremont Avenue N. Planned upgrades to connect the route to the John Lewis Memorial walk/bike bridge to Northgate Station and along Ashworth Avenue N near Licton Springs Park are scheduled for 2025.
The biggest improvements will likely be new “modal filters” at key locations that are designed to allow people bike through but create physical barriers to prevent turning or cut-through car traffic. Neither upgrade changes existing rules, but they will hopefully improve compliance and better separate the biking and driving spaces. SDOT crews will also update the signage to make the new no right turns rule more clear. These filters are simple little curbs that could make a big difference because these healthy streets only work if traffic is very low. Only people accessing a home or destination on these streets should be driving there. They should never be useful for avoiding traffic on a nearby arterial. SDOT is installing these new filters at N 100th Street/Greenwood Avenue N and N 105th Street/Fremont Avenue N. Unfortunately, the project stops short of reaching 85th/Fremont, which could use a similar upgrade.
More details on the upcoming work from SDOT:
We are excited to share an update for the Aurora-Licton Springs Healthy Street!
As soon as late October, we will start construction on the permanent installation of the Aurora-Licton Springs Healthy Street on N 100th St and Fremont Ave N.
We will install permanent signage with a concrete block base and newly painted curb space around it at each intersection along the Healthy Street. At intersections where Aurora-Licton Springs neighbors requested planters, we will install the permanent signage with a planter sign base. Unauthorized on-street parking located within 20 feet of the intersection will be removed for the permanent sign installation.
To further improve safety for people walking and biking along the Aurora-Licton Springs Healthy Street and discourage cut-through traffic, we will construct additional safety enhancements at the intersection of Fremont Ave N and N 105th St. These enhancements will include installing new medians on the north and south sides with cut-throughs for people biking, restricting vehicle turns from N 105th St onto Fremont Ave N, and maintaining existing left and right turn only restrictions for vehicles on Fremont Ave N at N 105th St.
We designed these enhancements to discourage pass-through vehicle traffic along the Healthy Street, improve access to the Interurban Trail, and provide safe space for people walking and biking. Visit our project webpage to learn more about the enhancements coming to six different intersections along the Aurora-Licton Springs Healthy Street.
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