What is the connection between urban agriculture and cycling? For example, Alleycat Acres funds most of its annual operations with a bike ride, and they even have a garden at their MLK/Columbia farm that is designed in the likeness of a bike wheel (AKA the “sprocket garden”).
There is some sort of connection between food justice and cycling, and Bike Work sand Rainier Valley Food Bank are teaming up to try to figure out what it is.
The ride is 10 a.m. Sunday. If you want to ride, email [email protected] or call 206-723-4105 to RSVP and for more details.
More thoughts on the connection between food justice and cycling from Rainier Valley Food Bank’s Michele Finkelstein:
I’ve noticed a trend. In general, there’s an overlap of interest within the cycling community and food justice community. I’m going to emphasize “in general” because perhaps you’re a cyclist who could care less about our food system. Or maybe you’re extremely passionate about your garden but have never ridden a bike in your life! So in general, I’ve noticed a connection.
This overlap strikes my curiosity. What’s the connection? Or is there a connection? As cyclists are we more inclined to be environmentally conscientious? As gardeners and food activists are we more apt towards cycling for transportation?
There has been a growing development in the urban food revolution. Seattle in particular is receiving an overwhelming amount of attention for our efforts in urban farming. More so, Southeast Seattle has an extremely vast and diverse number of organizations working fervently every day to expand and develop within Seattle’s urban agriculture scene. The plots are unique and truly something to explore and take pride in. Not only do they beautify our neighborhoods but they provide us with tasty, nutritious foods and connect our community to where food comes from.
Similarly, cycling has been on the rise for years in Seattle. It’s the fastest growing mode of transportation within the region and there are several initiatives taking place for new bike lanes and safer bike routes. For many, cycling is the rebellion to the auto-industry. It reduces pollution and it’s liberating the DIY (do it yourself) mentality.
Perhaps this is the answer in itself. The common link between cyclists and urban farmers: we really want to and can do it ourselves. For whatever reason an individual may choose to ride and for whatever reason an individual chooses to grow, the facts are simple; it’s good for you and it’s good for the environment. I’m thrilled to get to hear personal accounts and opinions from those leading the urban agriculture movement and urge you to join us! Even if you haven’t taken that bike out of the shed in a while, this ride is for cyclists of all ages and levels!
Join us
Sunday September 29, 10am-1pm to learn & exploreTo sign up
Email [email protected] or call 206-723-4105The tour will include the following sites:
Seattle Community Farm
Alleycat Acres
Orca School Garden
Courtland P Patch
Bradner P Patch
Beacon Food Forest
Bike Works
2 responses to “Sunday: Join Rainier Valley Food Bank and Bike Works for an urban agriculture bike tour”
That is one gorgeous poster! And a great idea for an urban ride!
It would be helpful if it mentioned a cost or fundraising aspect of this ride. I am sure even a few cans of food donated to the food bank would be appropriate.