If you have never been to a roller racing event (I haven’t), Emerald Sprints planner Ryan from Go Means Go described it to me. Basically it’s a race between two people on bikes set up on stationary bike stands hooked up to computers. The racers sprint a simulated 500 meters, and the event is a qualifier for the regional championships.
However, anyone can walk up and give it a shot. And for those who are not racing, it should be fun to watch, and there will be drinks.
The racers will be riding 53×14 fixed. Don’t know what that means? Well, it’s a higher gear ratio than is typical, so racers will be riding up to 60 simulated miles per hour (there is no resistance).
The event is free at the Ballard Loft, and racing goes from 8-10 (register at 7). If you can’t make it, Ryan said there will be races once a week for the next couple weeks as the regionals approach.