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  • Advocates ask SDOT to examine different options for Beacon Ave bike route

    Late last year SDOT released early designs for the safe bike route being planned to run nearly the entire length of Beacon Hill, currently scheduled to start construction in 2023. While the route on the northern end of the hill is still being decided by SDOT, we got a pretty clear picture what the department was planning for Beacon Ave south of Jefferson Park golf course. The sidewalk path that winds around the wide median in the center of the street, would be widened by four feet to better accommodate people traveling in both directions.

    Four foot added to center path, rest of the street kept the same
    Latest designs for the center median on Beacon Ave from late 2020. (Click to enlarge)

    On a segment of roadway that’s nearly 100 feet, only four additional feet would be provided to allow Beacon Ave to become a primary north-south bike route for people traveling through a large swath of the city.

    Narrow path that winds around the median

    When this design was presented to the Bicycle Advisory Board last year, several members expressed concern that routing relatively fast-moving bicycle traffic down this center median would not work well, with no separation between people walking and people biking. In January, the board wrote a letter to SDOT. From the letter:

    Adding bikes to the Center Median Path crowds a trail that already has a wide variety of users, which has the potential to take this asset away from community members or make it more dangerous for community members. In addition, routing bikes onto this Center Median Path does not facilitate biking as a mode of transportation, for reasons we outline below. The current design prioritizes vehicular traffic and parking. SBAB would like to encourage SDOT to be forward thinking and creative.

    The board has asked SDOT to “Analyze the option of adding protected bike lanes to the street and maintaining the Center Median Path for walkers/runners/families”, or, if that’s not feasible, to “explore all creative possibilities for enabling ALL users to share the Center Median Path in a safe, comfortable, intuitive way”.

    Now Beacon Hill Safe Streets, the Seattle Neighborhood Greenways affiliate in Beacon Hill, has written a letter to SDOT raising similar issues.

    We’re concerned that widening the Beacon Avenue median walking path to accommodate more bicycles will lead to increased conflict between relatively fast bicycles and those walking, jogging, and rolling on the trail, especially on the sections that will have the most use and/or that have a steep grade. When we picture bicycles on this winding, park-like trail, we think of children learning to bike or adults out for a leisurely ride.

    The letter asks the department to study an in-street bike lane option.

    The design for this section should explore placing a bike lane on either side of the median in the existing street and have the cars move along closer the cars parked there, as has been done on Ravenna Boulevard. The roadway is already wide enough to allow this and also has the advantage of slowing vehicular traffic. This is a design that has already proven to be feasible in North Seattle, avoids conflicts with driveways, and would be less expensive than widening the median. We also would like SDOT to conduct a parking study of the project area. There are long stretches of Beacon Avenue in which the on-street parking is only lightly used. We question whether private property storage is really the best use of three miles of one of our primary arterials in Southeast Seattle.

    Both groups are asking SDOT to conduct a parking study to determine how utilized the current parking lanes that run along the outer curb on Beacon Ave. There are also parking spots in the center median in numerous spots that SDOT has previously said would not be reduced.

    Narrow sidewalk with planting on one side and parked cars on the other

    The Beacon Hill bike route is one of three major bike routes currently moving forward after years of advocacy by the Bicycle Advisory Board and other Seattle bike advocates to improve connections between Southeast Seattle and the rest of the city. Making sure the connections are well-designed is also pretty important.

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  • City transportation electrification “blueprint” includes emissions-free area by 2030

    Today the City of Seattle has released what it’s calling a “blueprint” to electrify the city’s transportation system, further clarifying the city’s goals around decarbonizing our largest single source of emissions. Among the goals outlined with a 2030 deadline is for the city to create a major area where walking, biking, and transit are the primary modes and goods are delivered by electric or other non-emitting vehicles, and other personal vehicles are restricted.

    That goal actually comes directly from a commitment the City made in 2017, when then-Mayor Tim Burgess signed onto a declaration along with eleven other cities from around the world to ensure that a major zone in their city is zero emission by 2030. At the time, Mayor Burgess was quoted alongside Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo as saying, “Responding to climate change’s threat requires big thinking and bold action”. Paris has proceeded with a fundamental reshaping of the city’s streets, with around 30 miles of pop-up bike lanes added in just 2020 that will likely all remain permanent. Seattle built around 2 miles of protected bike lanes last year.

    London, another signatory on the 2018 commitment, has already implemented an Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) of around 8 miles in the center of the city, and another Low Emission Zone (LEZ) that covers the rest of the city. Vehicles not meeting certain emission standards are charged to enter the zone; this is separate from the congestion charge also in place in London. Emissions policies like this have had already contributed to a reduction of 44% in roadside NO2 levels in Central London between February 2017 and January 2020 and an an expected 13% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, according to the Transport Decarbonisation Alliance, C40 cities, and POLIS. These are the public health benefits that come from emissions reduction zones.

    Signage in London indicating the ultra low-emission zone. (C40 cities)

    In the US, Santa Monica, California is probably the closest example. A pilot project running through this year implemented a voluntary 1-mile emissions-free delivery zone where curb space is reserved for electric delivery vehicles. Personal vehicles used by residents inside the zone are not covered by the voluntary policy.

    Mayor Durkan has not referenced the 2017 commitment for an emissions-free zone in the city much if at all during her tenure. A 2018 announcement to study congestion pricing as part of “a vision for a more vibrant downtown with fewer cars, more transit, and less pollution” has not produced anything substantive to date. The update to the 2013 Climate Action Plan released in 2018, included very few concrete strategies to reduce Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) and shift vehicle trips away from single-occupancy vehicle to transit and active transportation. Seattle’s official 2013 goal for VMT is a 20% drop from 2008 levels by 2030, a modest reduction that the city is currently further away from than when we adopted the goal.

    Seattle’s vehicle miles travelled trends compared to the goal.

    A neighborhood or segment of a neighborhood where most of the cars and trucks permitted to use the streets are delivering goods could amount to one of the biggest shifts of street space to biking and walking ever. Of course, if everyone in Seattle isn’t able to access that emissions-free zone or zones, the impact would be limited and likely inequitable.

    The plan spends some time addressing that inequality in the transportation system that our choices continue to reinforce. “Climate justice is a central focus of this plan,” it states. “Our residents and neighbors who are least responsible for climate change and least equipped to adapt, are already disproportionately bearing the health and financial impacts of climate change.” Given that it notes that “residents living in the Duwamish Valley community in South Seattle will die eight years sooner than other Seattle neighborhoods due to air pollution and exposure to environmental toxins”, then that fact should be centered in the urgent task of removing those pollutants, and the emissions that come along with them, from our transportation system.

    Among the other 2030 goals in the blueprint is that every single vehicle providing “shared mobility”, including taxis, Uber, Lyft, as well as electric scooter and bike share, is zero-emissions, that 90% of personal trips are in vehicles that are zero-emission, and 30% of goods delivery is completed by zero-emissions vehicles. Having a city-owned fleet that is also 100% zero-emission by 2030 is also a goal. The blueprint states that these “ambitious, yet achievable, goals will accelerate market transformation and make it possible for Seattle to achieve a clean energy future”.

    Another plan on the shelf with another set of ambitious goals doesn’t mean much when we aren’t achieving the goals we’ve already set. If we are actually serious about achieving the goals, it’s going to require more specifics and more concrete actions.

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  • Meet Shelly Baldwin, new Director of the Washington Traffic Safety Commission

    Shelly Badwin

    The Washington Traffic Safety Commission is a public agency that flies under the radar. In February, the commission got a new leader when Shelly Baldwin, previously the Legislative and Media Relations division director at the WTSC, was appointed head of the commission by Governor Inslee. Last year, the previous Director, Darrin Grondel, who had been appointed to the job by Governor Christine Gregoire in 2012, left to become Vice President of Traffic Safety and Government Relations at The Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility.

    We sat down with Director Baldwin recently to get a better understanding of the Safety Commission’s role in improving traffic safety in Washington.

    Seattle Bike Blog: I guess the first question would just be, tell me a little bit more about your background and how you ended up as the Director.

    Director Baldwin: Yeah, you know, when I was a little girl, I wanted to be an astronaut, so I don’t know how I ended up here. I wanted to be a writer growing up, and when I became a grown up, I had a freelance writing situation going on and the commission began hiring me for many of their writing projects. That was back in ’92…So for many years, I enjoyed my association with the commission. I learned a lot about traffic safety, I wrote their grants, I wrote the first Target Zero plan. And then my daughter went to college and I realized I was going to need a little bit more of a steady income, and I was lucky enough to be hired on as a program manager. I took their impaired driving program as my emphasis area and worked in that for maybe seven years. And then as people retired, they asked me to do legislation and their communications, which I did for about seven years before our director, Darrin Grondel left and I applied for the position and I was extremely humbled to have been chosen for it. So that’s about twenty-five years in traffic safety.

    Seattle Bike Blog: So you’ve been along for almost all of the Target Zero program.

    Director Baldwin: Almost. So in 2000, the director at the time, John Moffitt, had come back with information about what they were doing in Norway, on their Vision, Zero piece, and he said to the team, I am not going to continue to set goals that maybe we can kill X number of people this year, which is 20 less than last year. It just doesn’t make any sense to me that that would be our goal. And he at that point implemented Target Zero, worked with all of the partners to bring them on board and honestly, everybody thought he was crazy for a little bit, probably including his staff…Like zero is never going to happen, why would we set that for our goal? But as we’ve existed in this world and watched successes in Norway, we really think that this is the only appropriate goal to set.

    If you’ve seen it, but we do have a video out about why zero is the appropriate goal. It’s basically man-on-the-street interviews across the state asking people just basic questions, how many people do you think are killed in car crashes in Washington, and what do you think the leading causes are, what do you think an appropriate goal is. Most people say, well, can we kill ten thousand? They have no idea how many people actually die in Washington per year.

    And then we say, well, what’s the goal for your family? And, you know, that gives them pause. And that’s where I’m at too. I certainly don’t want anybody in my family to ever be killed just because they’re trying to get from one place to another, regardless of what method they’re using. But more than that, there are actually things that we could be doing, if we would make the commitment as a state, to get us there.

    I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the actual Target Zero strategic plan…It’s a big, big plan, but there are sections in there that talk about the most important things we could be doing to reach zero. And those are things that we will always be advocating for, even when they’re not popular.

    Seattle Bike Blog: And so how do you describe the Safety Commission’s role in the statewide ecosystem?

    Director Baldwin: That’s a really good question. The Safety Commission was formed back in 1967…The federal government required all states to have a highway safety representative appointed by the Governor. And that’s what this position is. There are fifty-four other people like me, who are the head of their traffic safety office and serve as that governor’s representative. But when we were formed, we were a little unique, so most states formed their highway safety office, either as part of their public safety statewide state patrol kind of office or under their DOTs. Washington however took a very different approach, recognizing that traffic safety is a multifaceted issue.

    They made us a commission. So we have: the heads of agencies, including department of licensing, department of health, state patrol. superintendent of public instruction, a person who represents counties , a person who represents cities, a person who represents the judiciary…And they form our commission, which makes us super lucky. So we are a commission, we’re twenty-two people big right now. We could possibly be twenty-six people if we filled positions. And yet we’re tasked with eliminating all traffic crashes in the state, so obviously it’s not about simply what we can do. It really is about bringing those commissioners into the fold, letting them provide us direction and also providing them with what traffic safety professionals do and what we learn from the connections we have throughout America. And guiding and building partnerships, so we take charge of the Target Zero plan every three years, we bring all the partners to the table. We have a partners meeting to kick off that probably has, what was our last count, about 500 people that attend. So really, the best thing that we can do is organizing and bringing together lots of different professionals to help us reach our goals.


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  • Pike Pine Renaissance clears latest hurdle on track to construction in 2022

    Update: SDOT’s SEPA checklist listed a 2023 start date but the department has confirmed a planned construction start of Fall 2022. Good news! 

    In 2017, when protected bike lanes were installed in Downtown Seattle for a short stretch on Pike and Pine Streets, the city was already planning permanent replacements for those bike lanes. Since 2016, the Pike Pine Renaissance project has been in the works as a complete revamp of the entire corridor between Pike Place Market and Capitol Hill, with major streetscape changes coming alongside upgrades to the bike facilities.

    The City of Seattle just completed its environmental review for the project, with the deadline to appeal the city’s Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) now passed. The city’s submittal notes that construction is now scheduled to start in June of 2022 and complete by December 2023. The project will come in at close to $40 million dollars, coming from both the Local Improvement District (LID) created to fund the new waterfront, as well as from public benefit funding required as part of the now short-on-cash Washington State Convention Center expansion project.

    Map of Pike and Pine Street between 1st and Bellevue
    Scope of the Pike Pine Renaissance project. (Click to enlarge)

    The 2017 bike lane installation on Pike Street stopped at 6th Ave; originally the City was planning to come back and bridge the gap between 6th Ave and 9th Ave, where the protected lanes the city installed in 2019 pick up. Now we know that won’t happen until the Pike Pine Renaissance is completed. What could be nearly four three more years of people biking having to navigate this gap is not great news.

    As part of the project, the existing two-way segments of both Pike and Pine Street will be converted to one-way streets for motor vehicles, making the streets consistent all the way from 1st Ave to Melrose Ave. For nearly the entire length of the corridor, the bike facility is going to be maintained or upgraded, staying on the left side of each one-way street.

    One way streets for bikes and vehicles
    Planned direction of travel lanes for people biking and driving on Pike and Pine. (Click to enlarge)

    The exception to that is the block between 1st and 2nd Avenues, which is planned to be converted to a curbless “shared street” on both Pike and Pine. It only takes one driver to turn a shared street into a dangerous street, of course, and the removal of a protected bike lane that the city has somehow never been able to maintain on Pike Street is frustrating.

    19 and 27 foot sidewalks with 18 foot "shared lane" and an 8 foot parking lane
    Rendering of the block of Pike Street between 1st and 2nd Ave.
    Pike Street matching the description in article with shared lane
    Illustration showing the block of Pike Street between 1st and 2nd Ave
    Pine Street with shared lane
    Illustration showing the block of Pine Street between 1st and 2nd Ave

    One segment of bike lane on Pine Street between 3rd and 4th Aves is planned to be raised up at sidewalk level like the PBL on 7th Avenue in Denny Triangle. The renderings show a clear attempt to activate this space near the McDonalds, long a goal of the Downtown Seattle Association, with the raised bike lane likely an attempt to slow people biking through the block; this will likely just turn frustrating in practice. Some illustrations show space for an espresso stand (like below) while others indicate space for a mobile SPD unit to be stationed.

    Raised bike lane in front of McDonalds
    Illustration showing 3rd and Pine. (Click to enlarge)

    The biggest improvements will come from the segment bridging I-5. Finally people biking down Pine Street will have separated space to get through Boren Ave, where the paint bike lane disappears into a turn lane currently. Both Pike and Pine are planned for substantive sidewalk expansions here, with the protected bike lanes at street level and separated from traffic by planter boxes. If this segment works out as planned, it will be pretty transformative.

    Two travel lanes heading downhill with bike lane and wide sidewalks
    The vision for Pine Street looking toward Capitol Hill. (Click to enlarge)
    Two travel lanes heading uphill with bike lane and wide sidewalks
    The vision for Pike Street looking toward Capitol Hill. (Click to enlarge)

    East of Bellevue Avenue, Pike Street will maintain having protected bike lanes in both directions, so the plans include a one-block two-way protected bike lane between Bellevue and Melrose to transition. Melrose Ave, getting upgrades this year as part of the Melrose Promenade project, will serve as the connector between people using Pike Street to head west on Capitol Hill to get over the Pine to head downtown.

    Two way PBL on Pike between Melrose and Bellevue
    Planned two-way protected bike lane between Melrose and Bellevue Ave on Pike Street. (Click to enlarge)

    SDOT is planning a massive raised intersection at Pike and Melrose but Melrose will continue to permit vehicle traffic despite being so ripe for pedestrianization.

    Huge raised intersection with community crosswalk at Melrose and Pike
    Planned intersection improvements at Pike and Melrose happening this year. (Click to enlarge)

    In 2021, we should get even more details on what the overall changes planned on Pike and Pine look like as the project gets to 60% design. The project has always been primarily about improving downtown streetscapes, but some big mobility improvements are coming along as well.

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  • Washington House passes e-bike sales tax exemption

    Rep. Sharon Shewmake (D-Bellingham)

    On Tuesday, by a 57 to 39 vote, the Washington House of Representatives passed HB 1330, exempting electric bikes and up to $200 in bike accessories from state sales taxes. In a tweet, Rep. Sharon Shewmake (D-Bellingham), who introduced the bill, called it a “bipartisan bill that will be good for the climate”. 9 House Republicans voted for the bill, the exact number of Democrats that voted against it.

    Rep. Alex Ramel (D-San Juans) framed the bill in committee as a pilot that will show whether sales tax incentives can increase e-bike sales in Washington. The exemption would expire on May 1 2027 or when $500,000 in sales tax revenues have been forgone under the program. Long time Seattle Bike Blog readers may be surprised to see Rep. Ed Orcutt (R-Kalama) voting to exempt e-bikes from sales taxes here.

    The bill still has to get through the State Senate. Both the Senate Transportation Committee’s Chair, Steve Hobbs (D-Lake Stevens) and its ranking member Curtis King (R-Yakima) have proposed increasing the sales taxes on sales of new bicycles of all kinds, a largely symbolic gesture to make a transportation package appear to be balancing revenue sources from all transportation modes. Presumably those members won’t vote to also exempt e-bikes from sales taxes; it’s unclear what happens if both were to pass.

    If this were to go into effect, it should only fuel the massive appetite to purchase bikes that continues into 2021. Today the Seattle Times quoted Gregg’s Cycles’ Marty Pluth: “Every bike that comes in is sold right away, so we never get to a point where we refill the tank.” But the sales tax exemption also brings some parity, with Washington already offering a sales tax exemption on the sales of electric vehicles. Since 2019, a sales tax exemption has been available on the first $25,000 on a new electric or hybrid vehicle and the first $16,000 of a used one.

    On the Federal level, there’s momentum for incentives like this as well, with Portland’s Rep. Earl Blumenauer sponsoring a bill with Rep. Jimmy Panetta to introduce the Electric Bicycle Incentive Kickstart for the Environment (E-BIKE) Act, which would create a tax credit that covers 30% of the cost of an electric bike, up to $1,500. Lawmakers clearly see e-bikes as something they can work to promote. Even if this bill doesn’t make it through the State Senate this session, that momentum is not likely to go away.

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  • Bigger detour scheduled at 23rd and I-90 as detour legibility issues persist

    As soon as Monday March 15, people walking, biking, and rolling on the Mountains to Sound trail at 23rd Ave S & I-90 will have a more circuitous detour as crews pave the east side of the 23rd Ave crosswalk and close the entire trail near the intersection. The entire sidewalk on the east side of the street will also be closed; people accessing the trail will have to use the alternate access points at 24th Ave S from the north and 25th Ave S from the south.

    Entire trail east of 23rd to next trail entry and entire sidewalk on east side of 23rd closed
    Planned detour as soon as March 15 at 23rd and I-90

    This is a 24/7 detour and is expected to last 10 days.

    The Mountains to Sound trail detour at 23rd has been something that many trail users have been frustrated with for a while. Detour signage has been unclear, sidewalks that are supposed to accommodate people biking and walking along the detour blocked by no-parking signs, and ramps that could allow people to access alternate trail entries not in place.

    We contacted Sound Transit about the persistent problems with the detour, and were told that the agency was working to implement improvements at the Mountains to Sound trail here this past weekend. Here’s what they said they are doing:

    • New asphalt ramps instead of the movable wooden ramps
    • Additional drums and barricades to make the detour more clear
    • Updated signage
    • More frequent monitoring to ensure the sidewalk is usable during non-construction hours

    But the agency declined to tell us what was causing the failure to coordinate a legible and consistent detour at the intersection. The detour all the way to Judkins and Massachusetts Streets was communicated by Sound Transit as being in place only Monday through Friday 7am to 3pm, but has frequently been in place at nights and weekends. It’s also one thing to continue to maintain a parking lane that could be converted into a real detour; it’s another thing to pair that with next-to-no signage, and a crosswalk that people biking are sometimes able to use to detour into the street and sometimes cannot. Seattle Bike Blog readers have reported issues here going back through most of 2020. The bottom line is that Sound Transit should be better at this.

    Wide two lane road with a parking lane with parked cars in it
    Photo submitted by Tonya Ricks Sterr showing the street space on 23rd that could be used for a bike detour in 2020.

    The detour here will eventually return to normal, hopefully at the end of this month, but Judkins Park Station will retain several barriers to access. Natalie Bicknell at The Urbanist summarized many of those issues this week, with the I-90 access ramps feet from the Rainier Avenue station entrance at the top of the list. Theres still a lot of work to do to make this segment of Seattle more friendly to people who aren’t in a car.

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