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  • Alert 5/10–13: 520 Bridge Trail, Montlake section of Lake Washington Blvd closed late Friday through early Monday

    Map of the closures, including the freeway lanes and trail across the lake.

    The 520 Bridge Trail will be closed between Montlake and Evergreen Point starting 11 p.m. tonight (May 10) until early morning Monday (May 13).

    Map showing a closure on Lake Washington Boulevard between Montlake Boulevard and the Arboretum.

    Lake Washington Boulevard will also be closed between Montlake Boulevard and the Arboretum.

    Map showing a closure on 24th Ave E south of Lake Washington Boulevard.

    The short section of 24th Ave E south of Lake Washington Boulevard, which is part of the Lake Washington Loop bike route, will be closed as well, though you would not really be able to get there due to the Lake Washington Blvd. closure, anyway.

    Montlake Boulevard will be open. Riders should be able to take the east sidewalk on Montlake Blvd. to E North Street then connect to the alleyway north of E Roanoke St that is part of the signed Lake Washington Loop route.

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  • Review: Everyone making transportation policy decisions must read ‘When Driving Is Not An Option,’ out today

    The author, a white man with a black beard, holding a copy of When Driving Is Not An Option while giving a thumbs up.
    Seattle Bike Blog’s photo review of the book.

    “When I share the fact that a third of people in the United States can’t, or can’t afford to, drive, usually my audience is incredulous,” writes Seattle resident Anna Letitia Zivarts in her book “When Driving Is Not an Option: Steering Away from Car Dependency” out today from Island Press. Zivarts will be speaking 7:30 Monday at Town Hall Seattle’s Wyncote NW Forum on First Hill with Barb Chamberlain and Tanisha Sepúlveda. Sliding scale tickets are $5-$25.

    That one-third estimate is almost certainly an undercount since it does not fully account for people who still have a driver’s license but can no longer drive for a variety of reasons such as a new or progressing disability, aging, or an inability to keep up with the costs of car ownership. But despite nondrivers making up such a large percentage of our population, urban planning and transportation policy decisions have largely been made under the assumption that driving is the primary form of transportation, and those policies have created a sprawling web of problems for nondrivers living in communities across Washington State and the U.S.

    Zivarts was born with nystagmus, a neurological condition that prevents her from passing the vision test needed to obtain a driver’s license, and she shares some of her personal struggles as a young person unable to get a license like many of her friends. Her work for Disability Rights Washington took her to meet people in all 49 state legislative districts in Washington State who had their own unique stories to tell about the challenges they face navigating their communities with a wide range of disabilities. In her book, Zivarts punctuates the hard data and research with people’s personal stories, creating a deeply humanized analysis of the scattered and often dangerous state of nondriving transportation in our nation and how we can make things better.

    The book is focused on nondrivers, specifically people who cannot drive whether they want to or not. So, for example, it’s not focused on people like me who have a driver’s license and the ability to drive but choose not to. It should also not be misunderstood as being anti-driving because driving is not even an option for the primary subjects of the book. The book discusses important problems to address within accessibility-specific programs like deficiencies in paratransit service, but even people who drive will likely find most the solutions suggested here would also make their communities safer and more accessible for themselves and their families. Just like many web designers, media creators, retail store designers, landscape architects and people in many other industries have discovered, universal designs created thoughtfully with accessibility for everyone in mind are also better for people who are not disabled. Complete networks of sidewalks, safe crosswalks to transit stops, predictable and frequent transit service, rural transit service, safer vehicle design standards, affordable housing in walkable neighborhoods, remote access to jobs, remote access to services like healthcare, these are some of the main solutions Zivarts suggests in this book. The book is full of stories of people who are forced to struggle every day to accomplish basic tasks not because they are disabled but because streets are missing basic features that should not be missing, like sidewalks and safe crosswalks. Or bus routes that don’t run on Sundays. Or rural, intercity transit service that has been cut completely. Improving these streets and services would make communities safer and better connected for everyone, but for people who cannot drive they are more likely to be needs rather than nice-to-haves.

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  • Happy Bike to School Day!

    A child biking on a residential street.

    We had a lovely Bike to School Day today. There were 68 bikes parked at Green Lake Elementary, and even more kids rode in on a parent’s bike. There was so much joy and so many proud kids. Biking to school is just the best.

    Since my kid has been regularly biking to school on her own, her traffic safety awareness, bike handling and hill-climbing skills have all improved dramatically. But so has her sense of responsibility, which is not an effect I was anticipating. We stressed that if she wants to bike in the street, she would need to stay focused on being safe the entire time. She rose to the challenge.

    By the way, if you’re a GLE family in Wallingford/Tangletown, email me about starting up a bike bus! [email protected]

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  • Seattle Parks announces 2024 Bicycle Weekends on Lake Washington Blvd.

    Seattle Bicycle Weekends event image with colorful illustration of a bicycle, the space needle, a lake with boats and a mountain.

    After a brief moment of excitement when Seattle Parks announced what appeared to be an expanded schedule for Bicycle Weekends this summer, the department corrected itself and confirmed that they are repeating the reduced schedule from 2023. The events previously known as Bicycle Sunday will still be a great time as they have been since 1968, but it was a bummer to get good news only to have the city take it back. There is so much demand for more community time and space on this street!

    Below is the updated announcement with the 2024 dates:

    On scheduled weekends from May to September, a portion of Lake Washington Boulevard will be closed to motorized vehicles from 10 a.m. Saturday to 6 p.m. Sunday.  

    “Seattle Parks and Recreation invites everyone in the community to bike, jog or stroll along the boulevard between the Seward Park entrance and Mount Baker Park’s beach during these times and to opt outside for health, recreation and fun!” said AP Diaz, Superintendent of Seattle Parks and Recreation, “and ask that drivers be cautious of pedestrians and obey all signage during the closures.”   

    Local access: People driving to homes along the boulevard because they live there, are visiting, or making deliveries are allowed from the nearest cross street.  

    Parking lots are open and will be accessible from the nearest cross street (see parking details and map below).  

    The 2024 event dates are:
    Saturday, May 18 – Sunday, May 19  

    Saturday, May 25 – Sunday, May 26  

    Saturday, June 15 – Sunday, June 16  

    Saturday, June 22 – Sunday, June 23   

    Saturday, July 13– Sunday, July 14  

    Saturday, July 27 – Sunday, July 28  

    Saturday, August 10 – Sunday, August 11  

    Saturday, August 24– Sunday, August 25  

    Saturday, August 31 – Sunday, Sept 1  

    Saturday, September 21– Sunday, September 22  

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  • Biking on the high bridge to West Seattle

    People with bikes on an empty highway with the Seattle skyline in the background. The tops of skyscrapers are shrouded in clouds.

    It’s been 30 years in the making, but people were finally allowed to bike on the upper West Seattle Bridge. For a few hours, anyway.

    The 2024 Emerald City Ride on Sunday routes people south on the SR-99 viaduct through SoDo and then up onto the West Seattle Bridge, a limited access freeway typical reserved only for motor vehicles. Well, when it isn’t on the verge of falling into the Duwamish River that is. Luckily, it did not fall down while I and about 3,000 others were biking across it.

    It was the first Emerald City Ride since 2019, and it was great to see one of Cascade Bicycle Club’s most exciting annual traditions return. The riders generally feature sections of major car infrastructure that are otherwise off-limits to biking, creating unique ways to experience the city and region. Past rides have used the I-5 Express Lanes, the old Alaskan Way Viaduct, the new SR-99 tunnel, the 520 Bridge and the old I-90 Express Lanes (before they were dedicated to light rail).

    Photo from on top to the bridge, two people biking past with water and the city skyline in the background.
    People bike away and down the car-free bridge toward West Seattle.
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  • Alert 5/4: Montlake Bridge will be closed 10am to 4pm for Yacht Club season opening + Where’s the Seattle Times editorial against this?!?

    Illustration of two sailing ships with text: Pirates and Pursuers. Opening Day 2024 SYC.
    Promo image from the Seattle Yacht Club.

    The Montlake Bridge will be held in the open-to-boats position for the Seattle Yacht Club’s annual boating season opening day celebration Saturday (May 4) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    Depending on your destination, detouring to the University Bridge can be rough if you’ve never done it before. Boyer Avenue E is the only direct and reasonably flat option, but it does not have bike lanes and is extra busy when one of the two bridges is closed. If that is not appealing to you, I suggest detouring via Interlaken Blvd if possible. It is much slower and requires more climbing, but it is also a lot more pleasant. Alternatively, you can get between Montlake and Roanoke Park via E Lynn Street and Delmar Drive E, which still requires climbing but is shorter than the Interlaken route if you are using the 520 Trail.

    What’s really odd is that I just checked the Seattle Times editorial page, and they must have somehow forgotten to write their screed against yet another case of the city and state “renting out a vital piece of public infrastructure to a special interest at a time when residents will be asked to debate transportation priorities and vote on a massive property tax proposal.”* The Seattle Yacht Club “is incorporated for the purpose of encouraging yachting and boating of all kinds, and the development of the recreational marine advantages of the Pacific Northwest,” and only boats registered with the club are allowed to participate. There is no meaningful difference between this boating event and Sunday’s Emerald City Ride on the West Seattle Bridge that had left the Editorial Board so aghast. The Yacht Club is even—cover your children’s ears—selling merchandise. For money.

    Either the Editorial Board forgot to write another piece against this event or the Board’s March 26 editorial was a nonsense argument made in bad faith to encourage government action against a bicycling organization they don’t like. But surely our city’s premiere champions of free speech would never write something like that.

    *(To be clear, I am not actually against Saturday’s boating season opening event, which is fun to watch every year. Special community events on public transportation facilities are great. While I wish there were a better bike detour, the joy and community-building that special events can provide are usually worth the temporary disruption to usual travel.)

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