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  • Census survey: Biking, walking and transit up as commute data corrects itself + Driving alone down to 44.5%

    Last year, you likely saw a story (or many) saying that biking was way down in Seattle. That was due to the annual release of the Census Bureau’s annual American Communities Survey data, which can vary quite a bit year-to-year. And the 2017 figures were way down.

    But as we noted, these numbers were likely just outliers because they ran counter to the ten-year trend. And the 2018 survey results that just dropped seem to confirm that, with walking, biking and transit use significantly up compared to 2017.

    Just as it was inaccurate last year to say that biking was down to a ten-year low, it is also inaccurate this year to say that biking increased 35% in just one year. These dramatic ups and downs are almost certainly just statistical noise. In reality, the trend line for bike commuting is on a steady upswing, and the 2018 figures fall much more in line with the trend than 2017:

    Graph of raw bike commute estimates by sex, from the American Communities Survey. Both male and female trend lines are up, though the male trend like is growing faster.
    City of Seattle bike commuters by sex (the terminology used by the survey).

    More people in Seattle are biking as their primary way of getting to work than ever before. Both walking and transit use also continued their climbs in the 2018 survey. Walking to work is now up to an incredible 12% citywide, nearly double the rate in 2005. Public transit is closing in on a solid quarter of commutes, clocking in at 23%.

    And all this added together means walking, biking and transit is up to 39%, and driving alone to work continues its steep decline. Now just 44.5% of Seattle workers drive alone to work, down from 53% a decade ago. Even if the 2018 estimates end up being a bit high, Seattle is on trend for walking, biking and transit use to overtake driving alone just a few years from now, a feat very few U.S. cities have accomplished. (more…)

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  • Mayor Durkan’s 2020-21 budget would increase bike lane, Vision Zero, Northgate Bridge funds

    Replying largely on revenue from selling a large parcel of land made available by the massive Mercer Street project, Mayor Jenny Durkan’s proposed 2020-21 budget includes millions more for protected bike lanes, neighborhood greenways and other Vision Zero projects.

    These additions could help restore some of the major Bicycle Master Plan cuts her administration made in the recent years, including a list of south end and downtown projects that advocates fought hard to highlight in the city’s latest bicycle work plan. After cutting the projects entirely, SDOT and the mayor sort of added the projects back as funded through design, but not construction. The latest funds will be “prioritized for projects listed in the 2019 Bike Master Plan Implementation Plan as funded through design and/or planning,” according to a blog post from the Mayor’s Office. So that would be the dotted and gray highlighted areas in this map:

    Map of Seattle showing existing and planned bike facilities.
    Images from the 2019 Bicycle Master Plan Implementation Plan (PDF).

    It’s not yet clear whether the $8.35 million for protected bike lanes will be enough to restore all the projects or which ones will get priority over others. It’s also not yet clear whether these funds will sufficient fulfill the City Council’s recent resolution supporting a specific set of downtown and south end projects. But clearly this is better than the dismal outlook from the work plan the mayor released earlier this year. (more…)

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  • Cascade: Mercer Island plan should ‘futureproof’ I-90 Trail, open house Monday

    Concept images showing that the trail would remain its current width through the lid park with a two-foot soft buffer on each side. East of the town center, the trail would be 12 feet wide plus two-foot buffers on each side.
    From the draft Aubrey Davis Park Master Plan (PDF)

    When the I-90 Trail crosses Mercer Island, it climbs up and through a park created in the 1990s to cover the freeway. Posthumously named after and Island Councilmember and Mayor who negotiated with the state to include the lidded park, Aubrey Davis Park hides what would otherwise have been a freeway trench dividing the island from end-to-end.

    Mercer Island is nearing the end of its master plan update for the park, which covers the lid park and the section of the trail east of the town center. Cascade Bicycle Club is urging people to support a “futureproof” I-90 Trail design that follows modern best practices for multi-use trails. You can show up to support the trail in-person at an open house 6–8 p.m. Monday at the Mercer Island Community & Events Center.

    Specifically, Cascade is suggesting: (more…)

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  • Park(ing) Day 2019 is today! Here’s a map of all the temporary mini-parks around town

    Map of Park(ing) Day 2019 parks. Text list is in the post below.It’s Park(ing) Day! Go enjoy one (or many) of these temporary mini-parks and spend some time thinking about all the ways city space can do so much more than simply store some cars.

    Some parks will start closing in the afternoon, but some will be open until 7 p.m.

    Park locations list: (more…)

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  • Watch: The new Pike Street bike lanes are just a glimpse into the community-led vision for Pike/Pine

    [video transcript]

    There’s something very different about the new protected bike lanes on Pike Street on Capitol Hill: Community groups led the process every step of the way. When former mayor Ed Murray slammed the brakes on the Center City Bike Network in 2016, which included bike lanes on Pike and/or Pine streets between downtown and Broadway, the volunteers at Central Seattle Greenways were not going to just allow progress on the lanes to wallow.

    Pike and Pine Streets connect the city’s densest employment, transit and destination center with some of the city’s most densely-populated neighborhoods, and the streets are lined with popular businesses. And though they are hilly, Pike and Pine are by far the least steep options available. So the potential on these streets is huge.

    The city just competed new bike lanes on Pike Street between 9th Ave and Broadway, that latter of which has a protected bike lane already. There is still a very tough gap between 6th and 9th Avenues, so effectiveness of the lanes will be held back until that is completed. But the sections that have been finished demonstrate the potential of safe and comfortable bike lanes in this corridor, and that’s exactly why community members have been working so hard to make sure they become reality. (more…)

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  • SDOT outlines Bell St bike route plans due to open in summer 2020

    Map of the Bell Street bike route plan, showing protected bike lanes between Denny Way and 5th Ave, and two-way biking between 2nd and 5th. It also shows new traffic controls at intersections for drivers.Bell Street has been a major westbound bike route through the Denny Triangle and Belltown for a long time. As the most obvious relatively low-traffic connection between 7th and 2nd Avenues for people biking southbound into downtown, Bell is a major connection in the Basic Bike Network.

    So it is great news that SDOT has announced a date to complete construction on a new bike route on Bell between 2nd Ave and Denny Way: Summer 2020.

    A four-block section of Bell Street was completely remade in 2014 into a city park, though one that still allows car travel. The curbs were removed and turned into clever street furniture, creating a street that feels more like a place to hang out. And it mostly works that way. Belltown needed more public park space, and using this street space to create a park was fairly inventive.

    But it is not car-free, and car traffic can still be heavy enough at times to make it feel more like a street than a park (thus it is sometimes referred to as the “Bell Street Park For Cars”). People are not supposed to drive more than a block through the park, allowing people to access alleyways and park. Signs at each intersection show turning arrows only (except transit and bikes). But people ignore this rule all the time, which really holds the park back from being as cool as it could be. A street that should be very slow and low-stress can still feel stressful when someone driving is using it as a cut-through.

    But while Bell has no bike lanes, at least it is better than its eastbound counterpart Blanchard. Traffic is a bit heavier on Blanchard, though it is not as heavy as many other downtown streets. But it is far from an all-ages-and-abilities bike route.

    That’s where the Bell Street project comes in. By making improvements to the park and creating a new two-way bike lane between 5th Avenue and Denny Way, the city will both improve westbound biking on Bell and create a new eastbound bike route option. And since Bell Street turns into 9th Ave N north of Denny Way, these new bike routes will connect to planned protected bike lanes on 9th. And 9th connects to the Westlake Bikeway, and … hey, this is starting to sound like a fully connected bike route! (more…)

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