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  • Bike-in movie tonight: Bike Works is showing Lilo & Stitch at Pratt Park

    Poster text: Free summer fun with bike works for all ages. Bike-in movie and summer arts celebration. 8-29-19 from 6-10 PM. screening of disney's lilo & stitch at 8:15 PM with free popcorn.Hey, you! Bike to Pratt Park (20th/Yesler) tonight to watch Lilo & Stitch with Bike Works. Because free bike-in movies are awesome, and our city is awesome, and public music and art is awesome, and Bike Works is awesome, and what else were you gonna do?

    There music and public art starting at 6, and the movie starts at 8:15.

    More details from Bike Works:

    Join Bike Works, NW Film Forum, Urban Artworks, and NW Folklife for our BIKE-IN MOVIE NIGHT in Pratt Park! Bring a blanket, snacks, and friends of all ages for this free summer event.

    This year, through our partnership with Urban Artworks, we’ll have an interactive arts and mural activity for youth to participate in, as well as performances from a diverse group of musicians from Northwest Folklife before the film. We’re also screening 2 shorts featuring bicycles from Northwest Film Forum’s Children’s Festival before the feature film.

    Music & public art start at 6 PM, the movie starts at 8:15 PM.

    Performances from:
    We’ll be screening Disney’s Lilo & Stitch about a young girl who adopts an ugly ‘dog’ who turns out to be an alien. They embark together on a raucous adventure via trike & surfboard around the Hawaiian islands.

    RSVP on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/231977897479019/

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  • Should the next Ballard Bridge be high, low or in between?

    Concept image comparing the three options: A high bridge with steep climbs but no need to open for vessels, a middle bridge that arcs a bit and would need to open less often, and a low bridge like the current design.
    Images from the display boards presented during a late July public open house (PDF).

    The city is currently conducting an early, fairly high-level study of the options for replacing the Ballard Bridge. The actual project is pretty far away and has no funding, but this study is intended to outline the pros and cons of various options and gather public feedback.

    For a while, long-term planning for the Ballard Bridge was on pause because there was a chance Sound Transit was going to route light rail line over the bridge, which would have been a good excuse to rebuild it at the same time. But Sound Transit will dig a tunnel for the Ballard light rail line instead, so now it’s on the city to figure out what to do about the bridge. UPDATE: I jumped the gun here, sorry. It’s still not clear whether Sound Transit will pick a tunnel or elevated crossing, as the Urbanist reported recently. Environmental review will study multiple tunnel and bridge options.

    The Move Seattle Levy included $700,000 to start planning the next Ballard Bridge, and the team plans to wrap up that study by the end of the year. The study will not even recommend a preferred alternative, but will provide information needed to take the next step for deeper analysis. Projects of this scale typically move very slowly, and the bridge is not a serious earthquake risk thanks to a seismic retrofit a few years ago.

    However, the bridge is a serious bikeability and accessibility barrier due to its very skinny sidewalks. And this was apparent from their survey results, which saw a lot of participation from people who bike and walk (good work!). (more…)

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  • Bike share use steady with fewer bikes and higher prices, but bike parking remains a problem

    The meteoric rise of bike share in Seattle in recent years has plateaued as the number of bikes in operation shrink and prices rise. However, despite these changes, people in Seattle took about as many bike share rides in the second quarter of 2019 as they did in 2018, showing that demand for the service remains strong.

    In quarter 2 of 2018, people took 595,000 trips when there were about 10,000 bikes, some of which were $1 pedal bikes and some of which were Lime’s e-bikes that cost an extra 5¢ per minute, according to SDOT’s Quarter 2 Bike Share Summary Report (PDF). In quarter 2 of 2019, people took 588,000 trips on about 5,000 bikes that cost 25¢ per minute.

    So the good news is that bike share use is still strong, and a single e-bike seems capable of doing the lifting of multiple pedal bikes. But the bad news is that fewer bikes and higher prices have stemmed the growth in bike share use, which had been climbing fast since the services launched in summer 2017.

    This report comes as the city is developing the details for an upcoming e-scooter share permit. Scooters have shown to be more popular than bikes in many other cities, and companies have been trying to convince Seattle to permit them for years. So this time next year, we may have scooter data to add to SDOT’s quarter 2 report. (more…)

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  • Upcoming weekend Link closures a good chance to try biking + Last chance to take station access survey

    Graphic showing that a bus will serve each station between Sodo and Capitol Hill.In order to complete work necessary to connect the existing light rail line to the under-construction East Link line, Sound Transit will not operate trains between Capitol Hill and Sodo Stations for three upcoming weekends: October 12-13, October 26-27, and November 9-10.

    There will be a free bus serving the stations during the closure, but it could also be a good excuse to try biking if that works for your trip.

    And this weekend work is just a warning of larger challenges to come. Crews will be building a temporary center platform at Pioneer Square Station that Link trains will use during a very tough ten weeks starting in January. Trains will remain in operation during “Connect 2020,” but passengers will have to change trains at Pioneer Square Station. Not only that, but there will be fewer trains than usual. And people with bikes will have to exit at University Street Station (if southbound) or International District/Chinatown Station (if northbound) because there are concerns that there will not be room on the temporary platform.

    So these upcoming weekend closures could be good practice for January for anyone who currently relies on taking a bike on Link through downtown.

    Take this survey today

    Today (August 23) is also the final day to submit comments to Sound Transit’s station access survey. Seattle Neighborhood Greenways is encouraging people to give the two Seattle projects in the North King Subarea a high (3) rating.

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  • Seattle starts planning for shared scooters. Like, for real this time.

    Planned timeline for Seattle's scooter share rollout. Details noted here are included in the story text.Scooters are coming to Seattle next year probably maybe.

    Work to create the framework for the scooter share pilot project starts now, along with environmental review (of course). SDOT plans to finalize the permit details in the fall and winter, then launch the system in winter or spring.

    Scooters have proven to be very popular in cities where they have launched, typically attracting significantly more ride per day than bike share. As we reported previously, Seattle is fairly unique as a city with a large dockless bike share system, but no scooters. In many other cities, companies have been either shifting focus to scooters or have dropped bikes entirely.

    Seattle’s scooter permits will be entirely separate from the city’s bike permits, though many relevant details will likely be copied from the extensive bike permit.

    It’s not yet clear what a scooter share pilot would mean for bike share. It’s potentially good news that companies offering both devices will not be forced to choose either bikes or scooters because scooters typically generate more revenue than bikes. But it will obviously be up to the companies whether and to what extent they continue offering bikes.

    As a much newer technology, there are also lots of questions about how scooters will fit into Seattle. How will their motors handle our steeper hills? What about their brakes on the way down? What sort of technical requirements should the city include to ensure the devices are safe?

    Unlike bikes, which have a very long history of use and studies in urban environments, electric scooters are relatively novel. And the designs of the devices has massively advanced in recent years. Data about scooter safety is still fairly new and incomplete, though the massive spread of the devices in cities across the nation is starting to generate some useful information. Some safety issues are shared, like the need for protected bike lanes. But some safety issues are different. (more…)

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  • Don’t listen to SDOT, wear whatever you want to wear when walking on Rainier Ave

    “Rainier Ave S averages more crashes per day than anywhere else in Seattle,” the public agency in charge of making city streets safe wrote on bus and light rail station ads in South Seattle recently. As the @FixRainier Twitter author put it, “Are you bragging here, @seattledot?”

    So what is SDOT — the only people who can do anything to change that terrible fact — doing about it? They’re telling people walking to wear different clothes so they “Don’t Blend In,” the official name of a campaign that “encourages and empowers pedestrians and bicyclists to wear bright-colored clothing that stands out.”

    Is there data somewhere that shows people who walk across Rainier Ave wear dark clothing more often than people anywhere else in Seattle? Of course not. Because people’s clothing choices are not the problem on Rainier. The problem is the design of the street, which puts people in harm’s way and encourages car speeding.

    Wear what you want to wear. Dark-colored clothing is normal and fine if that’s what you picked out today, and our city should be defending your right to exist safely while wearing it. You do not need special clothes to walk around your neighborhood, and we should stand up against a public agency trying to say otherwise. And if someone wearing a black jacket is hit while crossing a street with a long history of speeding and collisions, that person’s fashion choice is not the problem. The street with a long history of speeding and collisions is the problem. And the only people who can change that street work at SDOT or have an office in City Hall. (more…)

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