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  • Learn how to become a leader in the safe streets movement in 2 weekends

    OK, maybe you won’t be able to learn everything you need to know to become a safe streets leader in just two weekends, but you’ll get a jump start.

    Cascade Bicycle Club’s free Advocacy Leadership Institute is an innovative program that teaches community members how to organize around an issue, work with the media and craft their own personal stories to highlight a community need.

    Alumni of the program have gone on to become leaders of all kinds of local efforts, some of which have nothing to do with Cascade at all. Kelli Refer, Statewide Engagement Director for Cascade (and, full disclosure, also my awesome and inspiring spouse) interviewed four graduates for a recent blog post.

    I love this program because biking and safe streets are the perfect issues to cut your teeth as a community advocate or organizer. And the more new voices there are, the stronger and more complete the movement will be. So if you’ve been itching to get more involved, but don’t know where to start, you should apply. No previous experience of any kind is required.

    The deadline to apply is Friday for the late October/early November program. You can find more details and the sign up form on Cascade’s website(more…)

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  • It’s getting dark earlier, so let’s talk about bike lights

    Biking at night is one of my favorite things to do. As we wrote in our 2013 bike light story, “a nighttime bike ride can turn a simple errand into an existential experience.”

    It’s true. The pace of the city slows way down at night. All the wooded areas come alive. The magnificent vistas transform. The experience forces meditation and self-reflection, a vital part of a healthy life that is so easy to neglect in a busy city.

    But you gotta have lights on your bike to ride at night. The law requires a headlight and a rear reflector, but a rear taillight is highly recommended.

    Unfortunately, bikes in our country don’t just come standard with proper lights, and there are a huge array of confusing bike light options available out there. This is a frustrating legacy of the U.S. bike industry treating bikes as recreational sports equipment rather than practical transportation machines. Most people just want whatever lights they need to be safe and legal, and then they never want to think about their bike lights ever again. Can you imagine if cars were sold without lights? Of course not.

    Here is Seattle Bike Blog’s advice for buying and using bike lights: (more…)

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  • Friends on Bikes Seattle launches Saturday with brunch and bike overnight

    SJ moved to Seattle via Boston and Montreal, and has been involved in the bike industry now on both coasts. And they have seen a persistent problem.

    “Certain cultures and certain genders aren’t associated with bicycling even though all those people do bicycle,” they said. One example of how this problem manifests is in people’s experiences in many bike shops.

    “A lot of women, especially women of color, would go into bike shops and have a bad experience,” they said. And that bad experience means even though someone might bike to get around, a bad bike shop experience might dissuade them from learning more.

    So SJ started looking for ways to create a bike community where women/trans/femme/non-binary people of color come together and have fun on bikes. They found Friends on Bikes down in Portland, joined a bike overnight with the group down there and was inspired to start a Seattle chapter.

    SJ said they were listening to the podcast Hella Black Hella Seattle, and loved an idea brought up about “curated space.” That’s how SJ sees Friends on Bikes. It’s a chance for people to come together and talk about what kind of biking they like to do, and share that with others.

    SJ said the group is “a safe space for people out there who ride bikes or want to ride bikes.” And as they note, women are biggest untapped market for cycling growth in our city and country. Indeed, a huge percentage of Seattle’s newest bike commuters are women, Seattle Bike Blog found after crunching 2015 Census data. But there is still a ton of room for that to grow.

    SJ is hosting a brunch Saturday at the Swift Industries headquarters in Pioneer Square to kick off the group. Interested people are also invited to join a relatively easy (optional) bike camping overnight trip afterwards.

    “Everybody bikes differently,” they said. “Brunch can be a relaxed forum where lots of people can come forward and say, this is the kind of biking I do.”

    More details from the kickoff brunch event listing: (more…)

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  • By adding bike share, the Transit App just became the ultimate Seattle car-free mobility tool

    I’m trying to get from here to there, and all I have with me is my ORCA card, my phone and my feet. What’s the best way?

    The Transit App knows.

    The app for Android and iOS works in cities all over the world, pulling all transit agency schedules, whatever real-time transit data exists, car share locations, walking and biking all into one convenient and easy-to-use place.

    It was already my favorite app for navigating the city on transit, but today the app added private bike share data and blew me away.

    For the first time you can see all the available bikes near you from ofo, Spin or LimeBike in one spot.

    But that’s not even the best part. If you use the app’s routing feature (drag the screen around until the purple dot is on your destination, then tap the arrow in the top corner), the app will calculate your best real-time transit options as well as how long it would take to bike share there, walking time included. (more…)

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  • Scenes from our move by bike

    Photos and video in this post by Brock Howell, Editor of Bike Happy and Founder of Bicycle Security Advisors. Thanks, Brock!

    A couple weeks ago, my spouse Kelli and I moved from the Central District to the Wallingford/U District area. And with the help of nearly 20 amazing friends — old and new — we did it by bike.

    I have moved big items before, like dressers and mattresses for friends or random office stuff for Cascade Bicycle Club. But I had never tried to move my whole house of stuff in a big bike parade. It was a beautiful showcasing of the power of people working together. It was awesome.

    Since writing about our plans to move by bike a month ago, I’ve received several questions from people interested in the idea who asked for advice. I don’t know if there is universal advice to give, but here’s what we did. (more…)

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  • Bike News Roundup: The Classic American Road Diet

    It’s time for the Bike News Roundup! Here’s some interesting stuff floating around the web lately.

    First up, here’s a pretty good explanation of one way to redesign a four-lane street to be safer and more efficient. Seattle has so many streets that need this:


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