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  • Pedal-powered music collective will play three shows in Seattle this week

    Seattle-ShowsPleasant Revolution doesn’t just tour by bike, their shows are even literally powered by bikes.

    During three shows in Seattle this week they are calling the Biketopia Music Festival, members of the audience will pedal stationary bikes to generate the power used on stage by Bicicletas Por La Paz, Heather Normandale, Maisha Lani and Kristina Bennett.

    You can catch them 7 – 10 p.m. Friday at Peddler Brewing, 7 – 11 p.m. at Outlander Brewery and 11:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Bicycle Sunday on Lake Washington Boulevard (bike with the bands from Mt Baker Beach to Seward Park for a show hosted by Bike Works).

    The festival was inspired by the Ginger Ninjas, a band that toured by bike and powered their sound via audience pedal power in the mid-aughts. That same band inspired the 2010 Seattle Bicycle Music Festival, which was a blast.

    More details from Pleasant Revolution: (more…)

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  • Pack these Ballard Missing Link meetings + Business owner’s video explains the options

    Example cross-section from the Shilshole South Alternative
    Example cross-section from the Shilshole South Alternative

    OK, had to get that out of my system.

    As frustrating and drawn out as the seemingly endless Burke-Gilman Trail Missing Link debate has been in recent decades (yes, decades!), we have never been this close to finally connecting the trail and saving an average of two people every month from emergency-response-generating bike crashes along the 1.4-mile gap in the vital regional trail.

    Be sure to show up to at least one of two upcoming open houses this week: 6 – 9 p.m. Thursday and 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday, both at Leif Erikson Hall. You can also email comments to [email protected].

    I’ve already given my take on the options. Cascade is pushing for three criteria: Simple, safe and connected. Seems reasonable.

    If you want to get caught up from square one without reading a bunch of stuff, the goods folks at Peddler Brewing put together this video:


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  • Park(ing) Day 2016 will span two days, applications now open

    Park(ing) Day in Columbia City, 2015.
    Park(ing) Day in Columbia City, 2015.

    Park(ing) Day is one of my favorite days of the year. I just bike all over the city visiting dozens of new tiny parks that pop up in parking spaces for just a few hours (see our post from last year).

    The day demonstrates how vibrant even a car or two worth of urban space can become when people are invited to use it. But importantly, the day makes this statement in the more fun and creative ways possible.

    Park(ing) Day 2016 is September 16 and 17, but your applications are due August 5. Forms and instructions available from the city’s website.

    In recent years, safe streets advocates have taken the idea to the next step by using the day as a way to demonstrate their ideas for fixing dangerous crossings or even for building protected bike lanes.

    The biggest complaint about Park(ing) Day that I’ve heard year after year is that people who work days and can’t get away for a long lunch cannot participate. Typically held during work hours on a Friday, Park(ing) Day is wrapping up right when a lot of people are getting off work.

    So this year, the city is trying something new: Park(ing) Day installations will be allowed to stay open Friday and Saturday. The city is also specifically encouraging safe streets demonstrations. (more…)

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  • Weekend Guide: Bike at night, bike naked, bike for ice cream + more!

    FREE BIKE has been a blast so far, but we are just halfway through the ten-day calendar.

    We challenged you all to make your bike ride and event ideas reality July 1–10, and you came through. The calendar currently has 22 events ranging from a WSDOT bike ride through the Bertha digging site to the World Naked Bike Ride. There are literally events from sunrise to sunset.

    It’s not too late to add your idea to calendar.

    To keep up on what’s happening around town and save a few dates that jump out at you, be sure to visit the official FREE BIKE Calendar.

    Here’s a look at what’s on tap this weekend: (more…)

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  • State will close busy Fremont section of Burke-Gilman Trail Monday – UPDATED

    UPDATE 7/8: WSDOT announced Friday that this closure is being put on hold so the team can rethink how the trail detour will work. From WSDOT:

    The planned closure of the Burke-Gilman Trail through Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood on Monday, July 11 is postponed. WSDOT will work with the bicycle community, the City of Seattle and others on next steps to provide passage for bikers and pedestrians near the Aurora Bridge work zone.

    Map from WSDOT
    Map from WSDOT

    WSDOT will close a very busy section of the Burke-Gilman Trail in Fremont starting Monday and extending until Halloween.

    Crews will stage equipment on the trail as part of their ongoing Aurora Bridge painting project.

    Detour plans do not include a temporary trail or bikeway. Instead, plans call for trail users to be detoured to N 34th Street between Phinney Ave and Stone Way. The busy section of N 34th Street between Stone and Fremont Ave has paint-only bike lanes, which are often impeded by backed-up turning traffic or nearby construction.

    When asked how this detour was chosen, WSDOT’s Kris Olsen said Seattle’s DOT advised it. (more…)

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  • FREE BIKE Day 5: Sunset Mystery Ride + Yoga for Bike People

    IMG_5311Sunday’s FREE BIKE Party and Pedaler’s Fair was a blast. Thanks to everyone who joined us for our first ever street party.

    But FREE BIKE is far from over.

    We challenged you all to make your bike ride and event ideas reality July 1–10, and you came through. The calendar currently has 22 events ranging from a WSDOT bike ride through the Bertha digging site to the World Naked Bike Ride. There are literally events from sunrise to sunset.

    It’s not too late to add your idea to calendar.

    To keep up on what’s happening around town and save a few dates that jump out at you, be sure to visit the official FREE BIKE Calendar.

    Here’s a look at two events planned for Tuesday: (more…)

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