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  • Bellevue plans bike lanes on 116th Ave NE

    Vicinity MapNoting that traffic levels are not high enough to need two northbound lanes, the City of Bellevue has proposed bike lanes on a segment of 116th Ave NE between NE 12th St and Northup Way.

    This project would help improve a key bike route connection between the 520 Trail, Redmond and beyond into downtown Bellevue. It would also connect planned bike lanes on Northup Way (scheduled for 2016) to the NE 12th Street bridge, which provides a rare quality bike crossing of I-405. Since crossing freeways is often the biggest challenge to getting around on a bike, this is a smart connection for Bellevue to make.

    The project, which could be completed in 2015 if all goes according to schedule, would also have essentially zero trade-offs. Traffic studies show that the street only carries 11,000 vehicles per day, about half the number that can be comfortably carried by the proposed three-lane street design (plus more in the new bike lanes). The street currently has two northbound lanes but only one southbound lane despite the fact that travel is essentially equal in each direction.

    “The volume occurring now in the northbound direction can be readily accommodated by only one through lane, as evidenced by the single southbound through lane today,” the Department of Transportation said in a memo to the Council last week. Redesigning the existing street is also a very cost-effective way to make the bike route link.

    Nonetheless, the project has received pushback from Deputy Mayor Kevin Wallace, according to Bellevue Reporter. (more…)

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  • Happy Park(ing) Day!

    It’s Park(ing) Day! Hop on your bike, pull up the city’s online map of the day’s micro parks and have fun!

    See our previous post for more info about the day. We’ll add photos throughout the day, so check back. And share your favorites in the comments below.

    Here’s the Pronto Cycle Share park at 10th and Pike. Get a bike share glam shot and have Steve from Bike Works tune up your wheels for free.


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  • Kenmore residents call for an end to traffic deaths, remember Caleb Shoop

    IMG_3315IMG_3319Carrying signs that say “Safe Streets Now” and “All Our Kids Are So Precious, Please Drive With Care” and wearing shirts that say “Caleb’s Got My Back,” friends, family and concerned community members gathered Wednesday to remember Caleb Shoop and call for safer streets in Kenmore.

    Shoop was killed in March while biking in a crosswalk at NE 190th Street and 61st Ave NE. One car stopped to allow him to cross, as the law requires, but a second car in an adjacent lane did not. The person driving struck and killed Shoop.

    Caleb was clearly a loving young man who touched a lot of lives. As his grandfather said to the crowd gathered, “He wasn’t done doing the things he wanted to do, and what he wanted to do was make a difference.” He asked those gathered to keep working to make a difference the way Caleb would have wanted.

    Caleb was a volunteer for the Outdoors for All skiing program, showing that even at his young age of 19 he was generous with his time and efforts. He wanted to become a firefighter.

    Unfortunately, Caleb is just one of several people who have been killed while walking or biking in Kenmore and the surrounding area in recent years. And the community has had enough. (more…)

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  • DC, New Orleans blow past Seattle in latest Census bike commute data

    From the League of American Bicyclists (download full report here)
    From the League of American Bicyclists (download full report here)

    Cities from the East Coast, the West Coast, the Midwest and even the Deep South all passed Seattle in bike commuting in 2013, according to Census survey data just released. Seattle fell all the way from number three to number six on the list of large US cities.

    It was pretty clear last year when 2012 American Communities Survey data was released that Washington DC was on a fast bike commute rise as the nation’s capitol built comfortable protected bike lanes all around the city. DC was essentially tied with Seattle at 4 percent, but they were rising fast compared to Seattle’s slow rise. Since Seattle was much more sluggish in building any ground-shaking bike improvements between 2012 and 2013 (developing the Bike Master Plan took center stage), it was pretty clear DC was going to pass us. And they sure did, rising all the way to the number two spot behind sluggish Portland.

    San Francisco, Seattle and Minneapolis have pretty much always jockeyed for the spot under Portland in these bike commute numbers in recent years, and both cities edged out Seattle in 2013 data. But the real shocker is New Orleans, which rose all the way from 2 percent to 3.6 percent to overtake Seattle for the number five spot. (more…)

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  • Micro parks and temporary bike lanes will dot the city for Park(ing) Day Friday


    Cascade set up a protected bike lane on 2nd Ave last year.
    Cascade set up a protected bike lane on 2nd Ave last year.

    Park(ing) Day is not just for little parks anymore.

    The day started in San Francisco in 2005 and quickly grew worldwide. In essence, people take over a parking space or two for one day and turn it into a tiny park sometimes while paying the meter. In many cities, it is not sanctioned and is maybe even illegal. It is a simple and bold statement about how valuable urban space is, and how much people can do in the space typically reserved for storing just one or two cars.

    But the City of Seattle has fully embraced the day and even takes an organizational role helping people set up their little parks. And while that might take a bit of the rebellious edge off the event, it has also allowed it to grow into a one-day experimental kitchen for urban space ideas.

    Last year’s Park(ing) Day was a turning point for both parklets and protected bike lanes in Seattle. The city’s first modern parklet in front of Montana opened shortly before the daylong parking-strip party, which sort of broke through the Park(ing) Day fourth wall by extending the concept of reclaiming a piece of parking strip for a small public space into the other 364 days of the year.

    Last year also broke new ground for the event with Cascade Bicycle Club setting up one block of temporary protected bike lane on 2nd Ave downtown. By lining the bike lane with small flower pots, the club was making the point that some extra separation would go a long way for biking in busy downtown. Less than a year later, the city finished construction on a bike lane there, which opened earlier this month.

    Park(ing) Day 2014 shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, it could be the largest one yet with at least 50 small parks planned according to the city’s official map. (more…)

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  • Bike traffic on 2nd Ave triples after city builds protected bike lane

    UPDATE: Here’s a graph from SDOT:

    IMG_3237It was clear from day one that bike use on 2nd Ave was higher than normal. But new data collected by SDOT staff shows just how much a safe bike lane can draw people. Bike trips on the street tripled.

    Part of this increase is certainly the fact that the new lane is bi-directional, where formerly the street only allowed southbound trips. So it might make sense if trips doubled due to people reversing their route for the return trip. But trips tripled, showing that the bike lane has attracted a lot of new users, either from nearby streets or new bike trips entirely.

    And all this happened with minimal impact to traffic flow. Traffic studies show that motor vehicles took about a minute longer to get down the street that usual, but that was during a week with an abnormally busy sports event schedule. SDOT staff predicts the actual impact on travel times will end up being even lower.

    SDOT data also shows that changes in signage and the excellent educational outreach efforts by Cascade Bicycle Club volunteers and SDOT staff has all but cleared up driver confusion that was a problem the first couple days. Of 52 people trying to turn left from 2nd onto Spring Street, only two made illegal turns while the red arrow was showing. This is a dramatic turnaround from the first couple days when illegal turns were rampant.  (more…)

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