It’s midnight, and you’re biking home from a night out. Should you ride on the separated biking and walking path or along the side of the nearby state highway? If you think the answer is obvious, then congratulations! You’re a lawbreaker.
King County Trails are only open from dawn until dusk. We can debate whether any park should close at dusk, but regional trails are important transportation infrastructure. It makes no more sense to close a trail at night than it does a road or highway. People travel at all hours, so our safest biking and walking routes need to be open at all hours.
The good news is that King County is currently considering changes to the time of day restrictions on trails, and they are collecting feedback through an online survey. Go fill it out, and tell them that trails should be open 24 hours.
The reality is that this is not a real rule, and everybody knows it. I have never heard of anyone getting in trouble solely for biking on a King County trail after dusk. But that’s also a problem. Having a rule on the books that essentially everybody ignores gives law enforcement wide discretion about who they stop. Other similar laws, such as King County’s old bicycle helmet law, have been misused to profile people based on race or homelessness status. This is a big reason why the King County Board of Health repealed the helmet law in 2022.
The King County Council in June tasked the Parks Department with conducting a “feasibility assessment” for extending trail hours and reporting back with the results by February. The current survey will surely be part of that assessment. The Council also gave the Parks Director the power to extend trail hours on a trail-by-trail basis without the need for further Council action. They also allowed Parks to keep trails open even if they pass through parks that are otherwise closed. So everything is set up for Parks to take action and change these trail rules.
It should be 100% legal to bike or walk on the safest route regardless of the time of day. Period. There is no wiggle room here.