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  • UW Press committee has approved my Seattle bike history book

    The UW Press faculty committee has unanimously approved Pedaling Uphill In The Rain for publication. If all goes according to plan, it should be available in spring or summer of 2023.

    Big thank you to everyone who has supported my work during the past couple years. I think the book is really good, filled with forgotten stories that might shift your perspective a bit on the role biking has played in the development of Seattle. I can’t wait for you all to get the chance to read it.

    Thanks also to all of you who continue to read Seattle Bike Blog even though posting has been slower than usual. Writing a book is a lot of work, it turns out. The longer it gets, the more unwieldy it gets, and seemingly small tasks can easily take hours just because there’s so much material to work through. So when days go by without posts here, it’s probably because I’m working somewhere deep within the manuscript.

    I have learned a lot about how my writing mind works through this process. People might think that writing is the act of sitting down at a keyboard and typing out letters, but that’s not true at all. Much of my writing happens in my head as I bike around town or while I’m reading source material. During that time, I am constantly thinking about the significance of information and stories and how they connect together. By the time I am sitting at the keyboard, I already have most of what I’m going to write figured out. Due to this, I have found it more difficult than expected to split my daily writing time between the book and the blog. It’s not as simple as minimizing the book document and opening the new post page because the bulk of the work behind writing doesn’t happen while I’m sitting at the keyboard. To get out a quality post, I needed to be thinking about it on my bike ride to pick up the kid or while drinking my morning coffee. I was able to balance the two some days, but on days where I was really focused on the book, I had to let the blog go quiet. So for anyone who has been wondering why the blog’s been a quiet, now you know.

    The manuscript is with the publisher now. I’m not completely finished with it yet, though. It will go through copy editing, which will surely require more work. I also still have a lot of work to do organizing images and figures as well as a long list of miscellaneous tasks. But I can see the finish line, which feels great after nearly three years of work.

    Stay tuned for more book news, and take care.

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  • Last chance to comment on the scope of the Seattle Transportation Plan

    Friday (July 29) is the last day to comment on a key phase in the development of the extremely important Seattle Transportation Plan. Comments on the scope of the plan will help guide the environmental review process. We need to make sure this plan is as bold as possible to set the stage for major investments in walking, biking, transit and safety.

    This is different than the plan’s survey and comment map, which will accept submissions through the end of August.

    If you haven’t commented yet on the environmental study scope yet, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways has created a handy form you can use to support their list of 5 suggestions. Their sample letter:

    Dear SDOT,

    Before moving forward with SEPA analysis for the Seattle Transportation Plan, please revise the proposed alternatives in the following way:

    1. Delete Alternative 2 which would be a failure of our necessary climate goals. Seattle must be a leader on a just transition to a sustainable future, and failing to do so by 2044 should not be studied as an option.
    2. Add a bold Alternative 4. We need a new alternative that makes bold progress in the next decade, rather than waiting for 2044. We need an alternative that rapidly makes walking, biking, and transit the most convenient, safe, and comfortable ways to get around Seattle. Let’s plan for an accessible city for all where sidewalks and crosswalks are ubiquitous. Let’s plan for a bike friendly city where every street is safe to bike on. Let’s plan for a city where frequent transit is prioritized over the movement of cars. Let’s plan for a city where our streets are recognized as public space for play, community building, trees, gardens, cafes, and so much more! In short, let’s plan for a future that is more sustainable, equitable, safe, affordable, healthy, accessible, and thriving.
    3. Plan for an affordable 15 Minute City. Please revise the alternatives to plan for a city where everyone has an affordable home, and where daily needs are within a short walk or roll. These strategies must be developed in concert with the land use plan to be effective and equitable.
    4. Improve the “themes” used to evaluate the alternatives. Please improve the universal design theme away from app solutions and towards the needs of non-drivers and people with disabilities. Please add public space, kid-friendly, elderly-friendly, and noise pollution as new themes to better help understand the outcomes that different alternatives would create.
    5. Reduce the over-emphasis on vehicle electrification: The draft alternatives envision a large role for the City of Seattle in promoting private electric vehicles. SDOT should instead focus on what it has the most control over: prioritizing investments and street space so that walking, biking, and transit are the most convenient, safe, and comfortable ways to get around.


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  • Mayor picks LA’s Greg Spotts as next SDOT Director

    Screencapture showing Greg Spotts speaking at a podium.
    Greg Spotts. Screen capture from Seattle Channel.

    Greg Spotts will be the next SDOT Director, taking over the department in September. Mayor Bruce Harrell announced the decision on Beacon Hill today, describing Spotts as “a champion for innovative thinking, sustainable solutions, collaborative partnership building and transparent public engagement.”

    Ryan Packer was at the mayor’s press conference announcing the pick, and reported for The Urbanist that Spotts described himself as a “creative change agent to help make Seattle more walkable, bikeable and transit friendly.” He also put a major emphasis on Vision Zero.

    “One of my first priorities will be a thorough review of our Vision Zero efforts to reduce traffic-related injuries and deaths,” he said.

    The Seattle Department of Transportation has been very quiet since the December departure of Sam Zimbabwe, seemingly operating under a “don’t make headlines” mentality. Few controversial projects have moved forward during the first half year of Mayor Harrell’s term, similar to the beginning of Mayor Jenny Durkan’s term. However, Durkan inexplicably waited more than a year to replace the SDOT Director, leaving Zimbabwe with no time to prepare ahead of a tumultuous year of transportation impacts that started in early 2019, including the closure of the Alaskan Way Viaduct and major disruptions in the downtown transit tunnel. Harrell has moved more quickly to pick a new Director.

    SDOT functions best when it has clear direction from the top supporting its safe streets mission. The department has a lot of smart staff who truly want to make the city safer, more accessible and more sustainable. But they need to know their leaders will support them in that work.

    Spotts will also oversee the development of the Seattle Transportation Plan, which will form the basis for the next major transportation funding package to replace 2015’s nine-year Move Seattle Levy. The next levy would need to be in place by the end of 2024, creating an incredible opportunity for Seattle to put a truly nation-leading transportation funding measure on a high-turnout Presidential election ballot.

    We wish him the best and look forward to covering his Vision Zero review.

    Watch the press event: (more…)

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  • Washington’s streets continue to fail kids like Mikey Weilert

    Michael Weilert photo.
    Photo from a GoFundMe for the family of Michael Weilert.

    Michael Weilert stopped, pushed the button to make the crosswalk lights start blinking, waited to see that cars were stopping, then rode his bike across busy Pacific Avenue S in Parkland last Tuesday. But even though other people had stopped their cars at the clearly marked crosswalk, a 27-year-old woman drove a Jeep straight through and killed him.

    He was only 13.

    Our deepest condolences go out to his friends and family. They held a memorial (KING 5) over the weekend at the crosswalk where he was killed. You can contribute to a GoFundMe to help support his family through this time.

    Mikey’s death is devastating. Several systems failed him and his family. The road is designed dangerously, the driver behaved negligently, and the police added pain and suffering after the fact.

    Dangerous by design

    The road, which is also State Route 7, is wide and hostile with multiple lanes in each direction. Even this crosswalk, which had been upgraded with a median “refuge” island and blinking lights, was not enough to make crossing the street safe. It is one of so many busy streets in our state and across the nation that prioritizes the fast movement of cars over the safety of anyone who needs to get across. As is clear from Smart Growth America’s new Dangerous By Design 2022 report, this is a problem across our nation that is getting worse.

    Pacific Avenue has inherent safety deficiencies that are well-known to traffic engineers. In this case, the collision seems to stem from its “multiple threat” design failure in which even if one driver stops, there is no guarantee that the driver in the next lane will also stop. Here’s how Seattle’s Safe Routes to School Engineering Toolkit illustrates the problem:

    From the Seattle Safe Routes to School Engineering Toolkit (PDF).

    The good news is that we know how to solve this problem: Reduce the number of general traffic through lanes. Highway-style designs have no place on streets that go through communities. Traffic engineers across the world have found that one lane in each direction with turns lanes where appropriate can carry a large number of vehicles per day far more safely. WSDOT data shows that this section of Pacific Avenue (near 134th Street S) carries about 30,000 vehicles per day, which is a few thousand more than Rainier Ave S. Rainier was formerly State Route 167 and has been one of the city’s most dangerous streets thanks to its highway-style design. Seattle conducted a full before and after study (PDF) demonstrating a successful 2015 safety redesign on a stretch of Rainier. It found that the number of serious injury or fatal collisions plummeted in large part due to the elimination of the multiple threat problem. It took about a minute longer to drive on the street, but serious injuries and deaths went from 10 per year to 0. That is well worth a minute.

    Mikey’s family has also called for what they are calling “Michael’s Law” improving the safety of crosswalks in the state, according to King 5 News. They don’t want anyone else to have to go through what they are going through.

    But unless the state and local agencies put in the work to redesign streets, this will keep happening again and again on Pacific Avenue and other streets across the state that have the same problems.

    Negligent driving


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  • Obituary: Robert J. Mason (1958-2022)

    UPDATE: A GoFundMe has been set up to support Robb’s family.

    EDITOR’S NOTE: Thank you to Judi for sending this obituary and photo of Robb. You can find out more about this incident in our previous stories. The July 29 Critical Mass ride has become a memorial ride for Robb. Critical Mass meets 6:30 p.m. at Westlake Park downtown the last Friday of every month. Ride starts at 7.

    Headshot photo of Robb Mason.
    Robb Mason. Photo courtesy of his friend Judi.

    Robert J. Mason, “Robb”, aged 63, residing in Seattle, WA, passed away on July 15th, 2022 after having been the victim of a hit-and-run driver while commuting home on his bicycle.

    Born in Van Nuys, CA, Robb graduated from Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, WA with a BFA in Communications & Broadcast Journalism. Later in his career, Robb discovered his true calling and retrained as a massage therapist at the Brian Utting School of Massage in Seattle. He opened his own practice, RMBodyWorks, in 2003 as a licensed massage therapist. He also completed additional training at the National Academy of Sports Medicine, with an emphasis on core fitness and balance/stabilization techniques.

    In addition to his private practice, Robb also worked at Highline Physical Therapy in West Seattle. As a massage therapist, Robb saw his role as that of a facilitator for positive change and healing, using his massage techniques and listening skills to make a positive difference in his clients’ lives. He was seen by colleagues and clients alike as an astute and caring clinician.

    A sports and physical fitness enthusiast throughout his life, Robb enjoyed track, baseball, skiing, cycling and golf. In later years, he became an avid hiker, enjoying multiple trips to the Alps in Switzerland to hike with members of his extended family. He marveled at the beauties of nature on these trips, and they served to deepen his reverence and respect for the environment.

    Robb and his wife sponsored a child, Alexander, in Ecuador.

    He is survived by his wife of 18 years, Claudia Mason (née Perotto) and by his sister, Faith Mason. He is predeceased by his parents, William and Imogene Mason, and his brother, Charles.

    A private memorial service for Robb Mason will be held on Monday, July 25th, 2022 for relatives and close friends.

    Due to the tragic circumstances of his passing, a memorial vigil ride in honor of Robb Mason will be organized by Seattle Critical Mass on July 29th, 2022 from downtown Seattle to the site of the collision on SW Spokane Street, just east of the West Seattle low bridge.

    The Seattle Police Department continues to investigate this collision and have asked anyone with information about it to call the Violent Crimes Tip Line at (206) 233-5000.

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  • Man struck and killed on Harbor Island identified. RIP Robert Mason

    Map of traffic deaths and injuries in Seattle 2019-2021
    Data from 2019-2021, from a June SDOT Vision Zero presentation (PDF) to City Council.

    The man struck and killed while biking on Harbor Island Friday has been identified as Robert Mason, West Seattle Blog reports. He was 63.

    We send our deepest condolences to his loved ones.

    Police are still looking for the person driving a white or silver sedan who struck and killed Mason while he was crossing Spokane Street just east of the low bridge to West Seattle. Witnesses told police the suspect did not stop.

    Anyone with information should call the SPD Violent Crimes Tip Line at 206.233.5000.

    West Seattle Blog reports that Robb was a massage therapist, and the comments are filling with people talking about how he helped them through difficult times.

    This is not the first time a driver has struck a person biking in this location and then fled the scene. A similar hit-and-run collision left a person seriously injured in 2014, the Seattle Times reported.

    The fatal collision also adds to a troubling trend of bicycle injuries and deaths in Seattle’s industrial areas. Just two months ago, Gan Hao Li, 73, was killed while biking near 4th Ave S and S Holgate Street. Another man was killed a block away at 3rd and Holgate in January.

    SDOT has proposed some “rapid response” changes to 4th Avenue in response to the recent traffic violence and pressure from safe streets advocates and District 2 Councilmember Tammy Morales. But there is so much more to be done.

    We know how to make streets safer, but Seattle has lost the sense of urgency we need to fix dangerous streets before the injure and kill more people. We need that urgency back. This is a public health emergency.

    Chart showing rapidly increasing deaths for people walking and slightly increasing deaths for people biking.

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