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  • CM Morales’ transportation levy amendment would fund Council priorities without pitting them against each other

    Screenshot of the action alert from Seattle Neighborhood Greenways with photos of three people holding supportive signs and a form to fill out.
    Send letters of support via the easy and quick SNG action alert.

    The City Council’s latest deliberations over the Seattle Transportation Levy saw many members trying to find cuts in the proposal in order to fund work they want to see added, whether it’s additional sidewalk construction in their districts or a Burke-Gilman Trail alternative via Leary and Market. But why make cuts to other important work when the Council can just increase the levy size to fund all these additions?

    That’s the idea behind Councilmember Tammy Morales’ newest amendment, which the Council will discuss Tuesday. By increasing the levy to $1.7 billion over eight years, the Council could fund additions while still remaining within the range that polling suggests voters will approve, according to Seattle Neighborhood Greenways.

    “Thanks to your advocacy, the draft Transportation Levy has significantly improved since we first saw it in April,” Greenways wrote in an email to supporters this week. “But Council is still trying to pit vital priorities against each other. We shouldn’t have to choose between building or repairing sidewalks, or between public open space and protected bike lanes. We need all of these things, and polling shows that voters will pass a levy that funds them.”

    The poll by the Northwest Progressive Institute found strong support for an even larger $1.9 billion levy, suggesting the Council can safely grow the levy without risking voter backlash. Given the extended closure of the West Seattle Bridge and the terrifying spike in traffic deaths, especially of people walking, voters know Seattle needs to increase its funding for improving our streets. And Seattle is a city where the number of people willing to help our city go big outnumber those who vote against all tax increases. The expiring Move Seattle Levy passed with a 17 point margin even in a lower-turnout, odd-year ballot without high-profile federal elections. This is the first year that a Seattle transportation levy will be on the same ballot as the U.S. President, and the conventional wisdom suggests that a higher turnout should yield better results for an ambitious levy like this one.

    Morales announced the amendment during a press conference alongside Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, Disability Rights Washington and the MLK County Labor Council, the Urbanist reported. The Urbanist also included a breakdown of what the extra $150 million would fund, including $20 million for protected bike lanes in south Seattle and $20 million for the Leary/Market Burke-Gilman Trail connection.

    Seattle Neighborhood Greenways is calling on supporters to send Councilmembers letters of support using their handy online form and to sign up to give supportive testimony. More details from SNG:

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  • $25M federal grant will help cross final major Eastrail hurdle: I-90

    Aerial photo with the trail route marked as it crosses over I-90.
    From King County.

    King County has secured a $25 million federal RAISE grant to rehab an old railroad bridge over I-90 that had been one of the few major pieces still missing from the Eastrail route. The funds will also build and pave 1.7 miles of the trail in the I-90 area and “create safe connections” to the I-90 Trail that passes underneath the rail bridge. $25 million is about half of the total project cost, and the grant application notes that there is still a $10 million funding gap.

    With the NE 8th Street bridge open as of Sunday and the Wilburton Trestle and I-405 crossings already in construction, the I-90 crossing was the final remaining unfunded Eastrail gap between Renton and Woodinville. Once complete, this trail has the potential to rival the Burke-Gilman Trail in Seattle. It will revolutionize the role of biking and walking on the Eastside and reorient neighborhoods.

    Don’t expect to bike on the I-90 crossing in the near future, however. First, King County voters will need to approve the King County Parks levy renewal next year, which will provide necessary local funding. Then a nearby sewer project will use the trail right of way until 2027. After years of planning and dealing with encroachments, the grant application anticipated a 2031 opening. There’s gotta be a way to speed up that timeline.

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  • Here are the 8 neighborhood greenways SDOT paused until after November’s transportation levy vote

    Map of planned bicycle master plan projects for 2021 through 2024 edited to highlight the 8 paused projects.
    Base map from Seattle’s 2021 – 2024 Bicycle Master Plan Implementation Plan. Seattle Bike Blog added red circles and text to show the delayed projects. Numbered projects paused include all or parts of 20, 29, 35, 57, 59, 65, 70. The “Garfield High School to Leschi Elementary School Connection” does not seem to be listed on the 2021-2024 map so I circled the general area near number 47.

    SDOT announced that eight neighborhood greenway projects previously scheduled for construction and/or planning have been put on pause because “inflation is affecting our large-scale project budgets more than initially expected,” according to the department. The Central District and Capitol Hill were hit the hardest by the pauses, though there are pauses in all districts other than 7.

    We annotated the map above to help visualize the changes. The projects that formerly had solid lines are the biggest disappointment since those were supposed to have been funded through both design and construction by the end of 2024. The projects with dotted lines were only supposed to be funded through design.

    The highest-profile project on the list is Phase 2 of the Central Ridge Greenway in the Central District and Capitol Hill. The good news is that the most important and difficult element of this route, a traffic signal at 18th and Madison, was completed as part of the RapidRide G project.

    top-down design diagram of the 18th and madison intersection with a new traffic signal.
    From the RapidRide G design plans.

    The projects had been included on SDOT’s 2021-24 Bicycle Master Plan Implementation Plan, a list of deliverable projects that the city created after reviewing the state of rising construction costs amid the peak of the COVID-19 response. The 2021 list also followed Mayor Jenny Durkan’s so-called “reset” of the Move Seattle Levy in 2019 that included a lot of cuts to the bike plan. The latest delays are pauses to projects that had already made it through several rounds of cuts.

    Though SDOT did not cite the upcoming public vote on renewing the Seattle Transportation Levy, the department’s statement said, “We will have a clearer funding picture in late November when the City Council finalizes the City’s budget.” The passage or failure of the levy in early November will have a massive impact on those city budget decisions.

    This somewhat awkward dance will probably happen throughout this year. SDOT cannot assume that the new levy will pass, so they may make decisions based on the current levy expiring without a replacement. Then if voters do approve a replacement levy, they can add things back and build out the new work plan.

    More details on the pauses from SDOT:

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  • Weekend Guide: Fremont Solstice, Lid I-5 bike tour, Move Redmond open streets festival + How to spread the word about your bike event

    Summer is officially here! Below is a look at some of the bike events happening around town this weekend.

    Do you have an idea for a fun bike event? Make it happen! Then be sure to list the details for free on the Seattle Bike Blog Events Calendar so we can help spread the word.


    Lid I-5 biking tour

    Tour existing and possible future freeway lids in the U District and along SR 520. Starts 9 a.m. at University Playfield and ends at Yarrow Point.

    Move Redmond Open Streets Festival in Overlake Village

    10 a.m. to 3 p.m. from Overlake Village Station to Esterra Park. Lots of activities along the street and on the main stage:

    Stage line-up for the Move Redmond Open Streets Festival.
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  • June 22: The 2024 Fremont Solstice Parade will follow shorter route + How to join the naked bike ride

    Map of the 2024 Solstice Parade route along N 36th Street from NW 39th Street to Evanton Ave N.
    Map of the official parade route from the Fremont Arts Council. The cyclists will be leaving from Gas Works Park at 12:40 and riding together to the start line.

    Despite packed crowds last year, the 2024 Fremont Solstice Parade will return to a shortened route it used in 2022. But that won’t stop hundreds of people from stripping down, painting their bodies and biking together ahead of the parade as they have for decades (you can learn more about the history of the ride in my book).

    The parade starts at NW 39th Street and Leary Way, but bike riders are gathering at Gas Works Park around 12:40 p.m. and then riding over to the parade start from there. The bike riders will start riding loops through the parade route at 12:50, 10 minutes before the official parade starts. There is no officially-organized paint party, so folks should either paint at home or at Gas Works Park before the ride. Here’s the timeline from the Solstice Cyclists website:

    Morning: Paint up, then ride to Gas Works Park.

    12:40 -12:45 Form up at Gas Works

    12:45-12:50 Ride from Gas Works Park to parade route

    12:50-1:30? Loop on parade route as desired, then exit to Gas Works or beyond.

    Tips for first-time riders

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  • NE 8th Street Eastrail bridge opening June 23

    Promo image with a photo of the bridge from street level. Its walls are partially covered with decorative, geometric clear panels. Text: Eastrail NE 8th Street Bridge opening June 23 at noon.
    Image from King County.

    The Eastrail’s NE 8th Street bridge near Wilburton Station in Bellevue is scheduled to open at noon June 23 (Sunday). As we noted when the station first opened this spring, the bridge is a key link to an area that “seems destined to play a special role in connecting biking and transit on Eastside.”

    Once open, the trail will extend just a few blocks further south where it will await completion of the iconic Wilburton Trestle rehab project, which broke ground recently. The trestle is anticipated to open in 2026 along with a new I-405 crossing, bringing the trail within reach of Mercer Slough and the I-90 Trail.

    Eastrail Partners is hosting a bike ride to the bridge opening that leaves Salt and Straw in Totem Lake at 10:30 a.m. and will stop at Kirkland’s Chainline Station at 11:10 if you want to join partway.

    Promo image with a photo of people biking on a trail with text: Bike ride to the NE 8th Bridge opening. Meet at Salt and Straw in Totem Lake, 10AM. Depart Totem Lake, 10:30AM. Stop at Chainline Station, 11:10AM. Arrive NE 8th, 11:45AM. Ribbon cutting begins at noon. Casual paces ride open to all ages and abilities. RSVP to info@eastrailpartners.org.

    More details on the opening celebration from King County Parks:

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