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  • Lime’s newest model is the best shared bike yet + Is it time to ditch the $1 unlock?

    New white and green Lime bike parked next to a bike lane. In terms of quality and ease of use, the newest Gen4 Lime e-assist bike is highest-quality model of shared bike yet to hit Seattle streets, and a sign that the company has no intention of abandoning bikes in favor of scooters. The biggest thing holding it back remains the unchanged price, with per-minute rates adding up on the kinds of long rides this new bike begs for and the $1 unlock fee limiting its use for short errands.

    At this point, the shared e-bike design is mostly figured out. The previous model of red JUMP bikes demonstrated the benefits of a strong, durable bike over lower-cost models that more quickly fell into disrepair under outdoor conditions and heavy use. Lime acquired the Uber-owned JUMP in spring 2020 as Uber invested in Lime in lieu of running its own bike share service. The new Gen4 bikes adopt the standard white, black and green of Lime’s scooters. The bikes are a mashup of an improved JUMP bike design that takes the same battery as Lime’s Gen4 scooters, which should make it easier to service Lime’s mixed fleet.

    The biggest advancement of the new model is its ease of use. Like the scooters, the bikes are locked and unlocked using the app. They no longer have the awkward retractable cable lock like the JUMP bikes did. The bikes also auto-shift, so there is no gear shifter. People can just hop on and ride as though it is a simple single-speed bike, though one that can easily climb steep hills and maintain 15 mph on flat ground, its top assisted speed under Seattle’s bike share regulations. Though there is a lot of tech and design enabling such simple operation, it’s well-hidden from view. The brakes are strong drum brakes encased within the front and rear hubs. The cables, motor and wiring for the lights are all hidden within the frame and hub. For someone who has never ridden an e-bike before, it may feel like this bike is magic.

    Of course, the true test of any bike share model is longevity under harsh outdoor conditions and vandalism. We will have to wait and see.

    Still, the thing that holds this service back is the price, which has not changed very much for a quite a while and could use some updating. It’s $1 to unlock plus 36¢ per minute (plus tax). The $1 to unlock pricing scheme dates back to very beginning of this whole private bike share thing, back when bikes were pedal-only and cost a mere $1 for 30 minutes. But as the electrified services added a per-minute price, the $1 unlock fee is feeling more and more outdated. Why are we hanging onto this relic of a bike share era that is long over?

    The $1 unlock fee limits the convenience of chaining together short trips, like running errands, because it’s hard to justify the cost just to go a handful of blocks. The $1 fee also limits one of Lime’s biggest advantages: Their mix of scooters and bikes. I personally prefer the bikes, but often only a scooter is nearby. I would be far more likely to seek out a Lime scooter if I knew I could swap it out for a bike if I passed one. But paying an extra $1 doesn’t make sense, so I don’t ever do it. Most likely, I’ll just walk or catch a bus instead. All of the other scooter and bike services in town charge the $1 unlock fee as well. I think it’s time for a company to shake up the market. Ditching the $1 would also simplify the pricing structure, making it easier to explain and advertise to potential riders. Pay while you ride, plain and simple.

    And while I understand that this is the way the so-called micromobility industry works now, it is a bummer that long trips get so expensive. These are companies, not charities, and I’m not sure even these prices are very profitable. At one point, app taxi services like Lyft and Uber were competitive with micromobility for many trips, though recent increases in app taxi prices make bikes and scooters a fair bit cheaper as they should be. But still, it would cost something like $17 to bike from Ballard to downtown Seattle, and then another $17 to come back. That might make sense on a special occasion, but not as a regular thing to do. Obviously, the thing to do is to bike to an express bus like RapidRide. But sometimes you just want to bike. I don’t really have a solution here. I guess I’m just lamenting that things cost money. If you want to ride longer distances regularly, you’re definitely best off getting your own bike (stay tuned because I’m working on something of a bike-buying guide for Seattle).

    UPDATE: I should have mentioned that Lime does now sell passes in addition to the regular rate. So if you know in advance you’ll be riding a lot, you can save some money:

    Pricing scheme chart for passes.

    Have you tried the new Lime Gen4? Share your thoughts below.

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  • On this day in 1949: The Green Lake path split open during a major earthquake

    People, including a child, stand near large cracks in the Green Lake path.
    The Seattle Times, April 13, 1949.

    In researching my book, I came across this photo from April 13, 1949 showing large cracks in the Green Lake path. The 7.1 magnitude quake was centered between Tacoma and Olympia, but it caused significant damage at far at Oregon and British Columbia. Eight people were killed and many more injured as older buildings or structures on unstable soil collapsed, according to HistoryLink.

    The park around Green Lake, which is largely the result of human engineering in the early 1900s, was damaged, especially near the southwest part of the lake. The photo above is likely somewhere just north of the Aqua Theater. In 1913, the city lowered the level of the lake, then used fill to create new park land around the now-smaller lake:

    A train with fill dirt working to create Green Lake Park.
    January 1914 photo by Frank H. Nowell, Seattle Public Library collection.

    The park vision included a complete boulevard around the lake, though the western edge of that boulevard was later destroyed by the expansion of Aurora.

    1910 Olmsted map of Green Lake showing a full boulevard loop.
    1910 Olmsted Brothers plan for Green Lake Boulevard.

    I don’t have a concrete point to make in this post other than to say, “Look at these wild old photos!” And, “Wow, we sure did a lot of land rearranging in this city!” And also, “Make sure you are prepared for an earthquake!”

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  • This American Life interviews Seattle’s retired ‘Bike Batman’

    Dirk deGroot made headlines a few years back as Seattle’s “Bike Batman,” a guy who would find reported stolen bikes for sale on sites like Craigslist or OfferUp and then go recover the bikes and give them back to the owners. He did this dozens of times before retiring a few years back. This American Life recently started an episode by interviewing deGroot in an attempt to answer the larger question: Why would a person do something big and risky to help out somebody they didn’t even know?

    Here’s Carrie Helminger, the first person deGroot helped, describing what it was like when he first reached out and told her he wanted to get her stolen bike back:

    He said, I saw that you posted it on Bike Index. And so I’m like, ah, this is starting to sound a little bit more legit. But I still have no idea who he is.

    I think we spoke probably around my lunch break. And he told me that he was maybe going to go get the bike. And I was like, what? And he was like, yeah. I remember him saying at one point, yeah, I’m kind of jazzed about this. I’m getting a little adrenaline high from this.

    And part of me is like, great, that solves that problem, if he wants to do that. But are you nuts? Why do you want to do that? And be careful. That would be the scariest thing for me. There’s no way I would ever do that.

    Listen to the full episode online.

    To be clear, I do not recommend trying to do what deGroot did. I did it once, and it was a mistake. Luckily, neither deGroot nor I were injured in an attempt to recover a bike. But there are very real risks whenever you confront someone like this. At the same time, I understand the impulse to want to get your beloved bike back. Be careful out there, and remember that a bike is an object, albeit a special one, and can be replaced. For more advice on what to do if your bike is stolen, check out this page on BikeIndex.

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  • Beverly Bridge over the Columbia River officially opens April 8, fills major gap in the Palouse-to-Cascades Trail

    Photo of a long trail bridge crossing the river.
    Photo looking east, from the Palouse-to-Cascades Trail Coalition.

    The most difficult gap in the nearly-statewide Palouse-to-Cascades Trail is now fixed, and in stunning fashion. The 3,052-foot-long Beverly Bridge over the Columbia River promises to usher in a new era for the statewide trail formerly known as the Iron Horse Trail or the John Wayne Pioneer Trail, connecting the western and eastern halves of the state in a way that simply was not possible before.

    The trail bridge has been operational for a while, but it will get its official springtime opening celebration at 1 p.m. April 8 on the west side of the river.

    This is a good time to start planning an adventure on the trail. The Snoqualmie Tunnel at the pass is still closed for probably another month or so (the current anticipated opening is May 1, but that date can change based on the snowpack). The further east you go, the more planning is needed. There are still quite a few detours along the way, and some stretches are very remote with limited water access. The Palouse-to-Cascades Trail Coalition has excellent guides to help you prepare, including detour maps and options for camping and services along the way.

    Hopes for a Columbia River trail crossing were dashed in 2014 when a wildfire severely damaged the structure of the old rail bridge across the river. Then one year later, a secretive addition to the state budget nearly gave away the public’s interest in the statewide rail corridor, but a typo saved the change from going through. The near loss of this precious and irreplaceable public amenity woke people up, and legislators decided to fund major rehabilitation work to help get the trail into working order.

    Sadly, one person died last year while working on the Beverly Bridge rehab project. Gabriel Zalaya, a father of three, fell from the the structure and died in August. He was 39. The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries fined contractor Boss Construction $284,000 for a number of safety failures at the worksite following the tragedy, including a lack of fall protection for workers and a lack of proper rescue equipment.

    More details on the opening from the Palouse to Cascades Trail Coalition: (more…)

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  • Sunday: Bike Works hosts Tour de Fleurs alleycat ride

    NOTE: You can find this event and more on the Seattle Bike Blog Events Calendar. Posting to the calendar is free and open to anyone. For example, check out this East Seattle History Ride Saturday.

    Event poster for Tour de Fleurs.Bike Works is hosting a flower-themed alleycat Sunday with “a wide array of jovial checkpoints and challenges based on non-bike related talent and luck.” An alleycat is a style of bike ride with a set of checkpoints around town, but no set route. Instead, it’s up to riders to navigate their way from point to point completing challenges along the way.

    So bungee some flowers to your bike and head down to the Bike Works community shop at 2 p.m. It’s a free event.

    Details from Bike Works:

    The dark, gray days are almost over, and life finds a way to light up our path towards a brighter, warmer future in the way of flowers. Rejoice! Spring is upon us! And what better way to celebrate than with a bike ride? Bike Works will be hosting its first official alleycat-style bike ride, the Tour de Fleurs, in celebration of spring – rain or shine!

    Tour de Fleurs
    Sunday, April 3rd, 2 – 6 PM
    Bike Works Shop – 3709 S Ferdinand St, Seattle, WA 98118
    Two route options – 13ish + 17ish miles with a 2 hour limit
    Register here – optional donations will support Nurturing Roots

    An alleycat is a bike race modeled after a day in the life of a bike messenger. The route will be kept secret until the day of. There is no set route; it is up to the rider to navigate their own path. In addition to the urban asphalt, there will be dirt/gravel options to increase stoke and help connect you to the great provider of flowers and life, Mother Earth.

    We’ve planned the ride to celebrate and encourage fun with a wide array of jovial checkpoints and challenges based on non-bike related talent and luck. Optional dress code is floral spring awakening. Prizes given for mini-game challenges, best dressed, fastest, slowest, etc. Food and drink will be provided.

    We hope to see you on Sunday for an amazing celebration of warmer, brighter days ahead.

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  • Study: 1930s maps of racist redlining predict air pollution levels today

    The HOLC map of Seattle from 1936.
    Home Owners’ Loan Corporation map of Seattle.

    In news that is both horrible and unsurprising, a team of researchers from UC Berkeley and UW in Seattle have published a study demonstrating that “redlined” areas of cities marked in federal maps from the 1930s had higher levels of air pollution in 2010.

    Redlining was the discriminatory practice of withholding loans or other private and public investments from certain areas within cities based largely on the race of the people living there. Redlining was legal in Seattle until 1968, though the legacy of the practice continued in many forms even after it was outlawed by city ordinance. Though the practice of withholding investments or properties from people of color long predates 1930, that was when the federal government commissioned a set of maps from cities around the country, including Seattle, to rate the “security” of mortgage investments in different areas of each city. The Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (“HOLC”), which was tasked with helping struggling homeowners during the Great Depression to refinance their mortgages, created maps that illustrated and codified existing prejudices and racist practices. Communities of color were often rated as “Hazardous” and given a “D” grade. “A” grades were mostly reserved for wealthier and whiter communities.

    HOLC did not invent the racist practices behind redlining, but they did make it very obvious by drawing the lines on public maps. Researchers today can now use those same maps to learn how segregationist practices a century ago affect communities today. And that’s exactly what the researchers did in this new study. They compiled a huge database of census blocks that included 2010 air pollution levels as well as the 1930s HOLC grade, then looked for correlations. Nationally, areas with “D” grades in the 1930s had 56% higher levels of nitrogen dioxide in 2010 than “A” graded areas.

    There are many mechanisms leading to this air quality disparity, but they all add up to racist results because that’s what happens when there is wide-reaching systemic racism. Poor air quality can come from many different sources, though the worst of it comes from highways and polluting industry. Freeways and other wide highways were often purposefully routed through redlined areas as a form of so-called “Urban Renewal,” which James Baldwin called “Negro Removal.” Freeways are a major source of nitrogen dioxide pollution. Wealthier and whiter areas have also had more means and political connections to fight the incursion of polluting industry into their neighborhoods, preserving the clean air quality in “A” graded areas.

    This is why projects like South Park’s SR-99 removal project are so important, and just the beginning of the work needed to try to heal the wrongs of the past.

    The Seattle Times put together a set of maps demonstrating the study’s findings in Seattle: (more…)

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