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  • WA Transportation Secretary: Further freeway expansion is ‘a dead end’

    Chart showing the gap between the state's goal of reducing walking and biking injuries by 5% annually to the actual increase in these injuries in recent years.
    The number of people killed while walking or biking in Washington is headed in the wrong direction. Images from Secretary Millar’s presentation (PDF).

    Washington Transportation Secretary Roger Millar argued against further highway expansion during his State of Transportation presentation to the House Transportation Committee this week. Instead, he argued for “a resilient response” to the state’s major challenges, including climate change, inequitable traffic impacts and increasing traffic injuries and deaths.

    “We are a Target Zero state, and we’re going the wrong way,” said Millar. “The data shows our system isn’t safe. It kills people, and we need to invest to stop that.” WSDOT estimates that the monetary cost of collisions, injuries and deaths is about $14 billion per year. Of course, a life is more important than money.

    Chart showing the annual cost of various transportation challenges. Safety is by far the highest at $14 billion.Meanwhile, the state is investing less than half of what it should be investing to maintain existing infrastructure. The state has been building a lot of new and expanded infrastructure, which only makes it more difficult to maintain the infrastructure the state already has. As that new infrastructure comes due for maintenance, the backlog gets that much worse. At this point, the state would need to spend about a billion dollars more per year than it is currently spending just to tread water.

    Table showing about $2 billion in annual maintenance need but only $900 million in annual funding.One part of the solution is to stop trying to expand highways to solve congestion. WSDOT gave a rough estimate that it would cost upwards of $115 billion over ten years to add enough lanes to freeways to allow people to drive the speed limit at all times. That would require as much as $2.50 per gallon in additional gas taxes. This rough estimate does not even include all the costs associated with increasing local and connector roads to meet the induced demand from the newly-widened freeways.

    “Addressing congestion through adding lanes to the Interstate system is not financially feasible, it’s not economically feasible, it’s not environmentally feasible. It’s just not going to happen,” said Millar. “We need to think about doing things differently.” He even said that the state’s path of continually expanding freeways to solve congestion has “come to a dead end.” (more…)

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  • WA Bikes: ‘There’s opportunity abound’ in short 60-day state legislative session

    State legislators seemed determined to pass a major transportation funding bill during the 2021 session, but the focus on highway spending and backwards ideas like a tax on bicycles ultimately helped stall the effort until the session ran out of time. There was even talk of a special session to get the effort passed, but that fortunately never happened.

    Governor Jay Inslee picked Steve Hobbs, the previous Senate Transportation Committee Chair, to serve as Secretary of State after Kim Wyman joined the Biden administration. Hobbs was a major force pulling the funding talks backwards, proposing a new bicycle tax, cutting the House’s proposed multimodal investments and adding millions for highway expansion projects.

    Marko Liias is the new Senate Transportation Chair, setting off a surge of hope that a quality transportation funding package, along with other needed transportation policies, will be possible this year. Liias has long received glowing endorsements from safe streets, bicycling and transit advocacy organizations. But it’s a short session, so legislators and advocates will need to move quickly to get it done in time.

    “With a new Senate Transportation Committee Chair, and momentum from work started in 2021 on a state transportation revenue bill, there’s opportunity abound,” wrote WA Bikes State Policy Director Alex Alston in an email to supporters.

    Washington Bikes has published their goals for the session, which include increasing the funding for biking, walking and transit, addressing inequities in transportation (including inequitably dangerous streets), e-bike incentives (if electric cars get them, why not electric bikes?), and updating the Growth Management Act to include climate resiliency. That’s ambitious but achievable list for the short session. You can help the effort by signing up for the WA Bikes Legislative Week of Action February 1–5.

    From WA Bikes: (more…)

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  • Pedersen remains City Council Transportation Chair – UPDATED

    Councilmember Alex Pedersen (D4) will continue as Chair of the Transportation and Seattle Public Utilities Committee, the City Council voted Tuesday. Dan Strauss (D6) will remain as Vice-Chair, and Lisa Herbold (D1) and Tammy Morales (D2) will remain as committee members. Kshama Sawant (D3) will take former Councilmember Lorena González’s committee member seat, a role Sawant played for many years throughout the 2010s.

    The Transportation Committee has been relatively quiet in the past couple years under Pedersen. According to the City Clerk’s Legistar calendar, the committee only held 9 out of a potential 24 regular meetings in 2020 thanks to a 168-day meeting cancellation streak between March 4 and August 19 (note that the West Seattle Bridge broke March 23, and there were special meetings about that). The committee stepped it up in 2021 by holding 18 regular meetings.

    UPDATE: Councilmember Pedersen reached out to clarify the committee’s 2020 work. March through June, many committees including Transportation conducted their business during full City Council meetings and during full Council briefings, he said. The Committee also focused mostly on the Seattle Transportation Benefit District measure due for voter passage in November 2020. Finally, because committees don’t meet during budget deliberations, the total potential meetings per year is more like 20 or 21 rather than 24. I appreciate the Councilmember’s clarifications, and I can see how my original text came off as more critical than I had intended. 2020 was obviously a very unusual year.

    But the next two years will need to be much busier because there is a lot of work to do to watchdog the final years of the Move Seattle Levy investments and prepare city transportation plans ahead of whatever transportation funding measure replaces Move Seattle in 2024. Anyone who has been snoozing on Transportation Committee business (*author looks into mirror*) will need to start paying much closer attention.

    Seattle has an enormous opportunity to be a national leader in sustainable transportation with a bold ballot measure in 2024, a high-turnout Presidential election year. Mayor Bruce Harrell and the Transportation Committee will both have opportunities to craft this measure, and they won’t have a ton of time to do so. Committees could see another shake-up in early 2024 after the 2023 City Council election, but much of the transportation measure will likely be developed by then.

    Here is the committee membership roster for (likely) the next two years:

    Table of committee assignments. Text-readable PDF linked in story. Table part 2.

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  • South Park community group seeks to reclaim neighborhood land from a harmful, redundant highway

    Regional map of the proposed freeway removal area.
    All images from Cultivate South Park.

    South Park has some of the most harmful air quality of any residential neighborhood in Seattle and King County, and it doesn’t take long to figure out where a lot of it comes from: The freeway that splits the neighborhood in two.

    It’s a story that has been repeated many times across the city and the nation. Low-income communities and communities of color are often located in the areas with the worst air quality and the most dangerous roadways. This is not an accident. Perhaps no neighborhood better represents our region’s environmental racism more starkly than South Park.

    Map of the traffic-related air pollution in South Park with community and youth center locations marked within the worst zones.“The cumulative impacts of these environmental burdens result in a 13-year lower life expectancy for South Park residents compared with other Seattle neighborhoods,” according to Cultivate South Park, a “resident-led Asset-Based Community Development organization.” But it doesn’t need to be this way. South Park is a flourishing community that deserves clean air and safe, connected streets, and Cultivate South Park is taking on the biggest barrier to both of these goals: SR-99.

    “What if we were to close this segment of 99 and reclaim 40 acres of land for affordable housing, community owned businesses, parks and amenities that serve the people of South Park?” That’s the bold and very exciting question at the center of the organization’s Reconnect South Parks proposal. With leadership at the national, state and city levels all talking about reducing the community harm caused by past freeway projects, this project is the perfect opportunity to stand by those words. (more…)

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  • Key section of Georgetown to South Park Trail moving forward alongside a new dog park

    Concept map of the park and trail.
    Concept design (PDF)

    A gravel cut-through in Georgetown near Boeing Field will become a dog park and trail corridor, providing a key piece of the community-led Georgetown to South Park Trail. If all goes according to schedule, the park and trail connection should begin construction in the summer and open in 2023.

    The City Council’s Transportation and Utilities Committee voted before the holiday break to transfer the former “flume” property from Seattle City Light to SDOT and the Parks Department. The long and skinny property once housed a conveyance that transported water from the Duwamish River to the Georgetown steam plant, but it has been essentially unused since that plant closed in 1975. As part of the deal, City Light will also pay for soil remediation.

    The new park will lie at the middle point of the Georgetown to South Park Trail, planned to connect from near S Bailey Street and Ellis Ave S to the South Park Bridge. Routing the trail through the new park will require a couple extra turns, but it will likely be more pleasant than the moderately busy intersection of Ellis and E Marginal Way S. The project is the result of a community-led effort that brought together three different city agencies. That is no small feat. Kudos to Duwamish Valley Safe Streets, who have been working for years to make this trail and park a reality.

    Overview map of the full trail project.

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  • Outgoing Director Zimbabwe led SDOT through a very rough storm + Mayor-Elect Harrell outlines transportation vision

    Sam Zimbabwe speak at a podium in front of a crowd with a walk/bike bridge behind him.
    Sam Zimbabwe speaking at the opening of the John Lewis Memorial Bridge in Northgate.

    It feels like Sam Zimbabwe never had the chance to lead the Department of Transportation without an emergency beyond his control dictating the work of the day. With the news that Mayor-Elect Bruce Harrell will not keep him on after the year’s end, Zimbabwe’s tenure as Director ends with some remarkable accomplishments considering the circumstances.

    Zimbabwe arrived in Seattle in early 2019 to discover an agency in shambles and a city in the midst of major traffic and transit crunches downtown as buses were kicked out of the transit tunnel and the Alaskan Way Viaduct finally closed for good. He had essentially no role in planning these shutdowns, but he was in the big office when they happened. Oh, and there was a big snow storm in the middle of it all. Then shortly later he had to defend the Mayor’s decision to cut bike lanes from the repaved 35th Ave NE, which immediately put him in a tough spot with safe streets advocates who were already very frustrated with the total lack of progress on the city’s bike network since Mayor Durkan took office in 2018.

    But things started to change under Zimbabwe’s leadership. Bike lane construction restarted, focused on connecting the downtown bike network. Morale at SDOT also seemed to improve (I don’t have any hard measurement of this, but it sure seemed like staff were happier than they were before).

    Then COVID hit. Then in the early days of the pandemic shutdown, the West Seattle Bridge was discovered to be at risk of collapse and had to be closed indefinitely. It’s as though a decade worth of major city transportation challenges all hit during the first year of Zimbabwe’s tenure. Yet through it all, SDOT was still able to innovate solutions to make the city’s streets better for everyone. The department opened a series of Stay Healthy Streets, designed to clearly prioritize walking and biking while still allowing slow local car traffic. They also continued working on the downtown bike network, completing the final pieces of a protected bike route connecting from the Burke-Gilman Trail through the heart of downtown to the International District. You can see this route in action: (more…)

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