Tag: 2024 general election
Endorsement: The Seattle Transportation Levy will be a massive investment in safe, efficient streets
Now that Mayor Harrell and the City Council have officially sent the $1.55 billion 2024 Transportation Levy (PDF) to Seattle voters in November, we can put all the debates about expanding the levy behind us and take stock of how it ended up. With $160.5 million for Vision Zero, $193 million for sidewalks and ADA…
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- Best Side Cycling filmed the rainy Montlake bike/walk bridge opening + Temporary Arboretum connection needed
- Feedback calls for walk/bike separation in Leary/Market plan, but people still prefer Shilshole for Missing Link
- Ride Bicycles will close Seattle location as the retail bike shop business model faces uncertainty
- Washington adds another ring to its bike-friendly state rankings dynasty
- SDOT Director Greg Spotts announces February resignation
- Alert: It is once again time to voice overwhelming support for a safer Lake Washington Blvd
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