Tag: bay area bike share
OMG! Somebody pedaled a Capital Bikeshare all the way to Seattle?!?! (not really)
I received so many messages yesterday from people who saw this Washington DC Capital Bikeshare bike locked up in Seattle. It even led to a completely baffled post on DCist. Did someone really ride a bike share bike 3,000 miles to Seattle? Just imagine the overage charges they’ve racked up! Unfortunately, no, this bike was…
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Latest stories
- Ride Bicycles will close Seattle location as the retail bike shop business model faces uncertainty
- Washington adds another ring to its bike-friendly state rankings dynasty
- SDOT Director Greg Spotts announces February resignation
- Alert: It is once again time to voice overwhelming support for a safer Lake Washington Blvd
- Talking up biking in Seattle on Radio Free Urbanism
- You can finally file bike facility maintenance requests via SDOT’s Find It, Fix It app
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