Tag: ed murray
We Can’t Wait, Part II: How Seattle’s bike plans got so lost, and how to get back on track
Yesterday in Part I, we reported on a protest at City Hall over the city’s delayed bike plans, especially downtown. In Part II, we look at how Seattle got so far off their bold safe streets path, and how the city can get back on track. How did we get here? SDOT hosted an open…
Actions planned before Tuesday City Council meeting on slashed bike plan
This moment right now was supposed to be the time Seattle finally took bold action on bike safety projects, taking our years of planning and making them real. The big electoral victory in November should have given the city both the political power and the funding to build a long-needed network of bike routes across…
SDOT backpedals even further on already-slashed bike plan, cuts 9th Ave
It took only two weeks for Seattle’s Department of Transportation to cut the only significant center city bike lane from their already-scaled-back 2016 plans. The 9th Ave N bike lane would have connected the new Westlake Ave bikeway (due to open in late July) though South Lake Union and into downtown. For a decade since…
Seattle’s baffling short-term bike plan cuts safety, pretends downtown doesn’t exist
With the 2nd Ave protected bike lane pilot demonstrating Seattle’s vision for more ambitious, safe and comfortable bike routes downtown and beyond, Seattle voters approved an unprecedented transportation levy by a big margin. Mayor Ed Murray, his transportation advisors and the staff at the Seattle Department of Transportation laid out a bold vision, and the…
Seattle traffic deaths up in 2015, but serious injuries are down
Twenty people died in Seattle traffic last year, up from 2014’s total of 17 and above the trend the city needs to achieve zero traffic deaths by 2030, one of the city’s Vision Zero goals. Mayor Ed Murray did not mention bikes in his State of the City address. But he did mention traffic safety saying,…
What can Seattle’s bike movement do to help end homelessness?
While Mayor Ed Murray was giving a speech on the homelessness emergency in Seattle, five people were shot and two killed at a notorious camping area where Beacon Hill and I-5 meet. Though information is still scarce, the mass shooting of Seattleites is a tragedy and highlights yet another terrible way life without a home…
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- 20 months after passage, strengthened negligent driving law now in effect in Washington State
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