Tag: new york times
Don’t expect a bike share surge as caps rise to 2K + Seattle bike share makes international news
See our Seattle Bike Share Guide for an updated FAQ about bike share in Seattle as well as links to download active companies’ apps and a guide to properly parking your bike share bike. The bike share cap has increased again. As of today, the city’s pilot permit allows companies to operate 2,000 bikes on…
tagged: bike share, dan stone, diane horn, kexp, limebike, new york times, ofo, sara bernard, seattle weekly, spin, washington post -
NYTimes op-ed cites infamous $42 ticket in 2011 death of John Przychodzen
I’ll never forget the first time I saw the number: 42. That’s how many dollars Nick Natale was fined for veering his work truck onto the shoulder and killing John Przychodzen as he biked on Juanita Drive in the summer of 2011. I was stunned. I just sat at my computer rereading the notice. I…
New York Times launches interactive bike advice map for Seattle
The New York Times recently launched an online tool to gather advice for people cycling in cities across the country. Some similar to Seattle’s information-packed BikeWise website, the New York Times map is an effort to simply let people know about those little tips and secrets that make biking around town easier, faster and more…
tagged: new york times -
New York launches bike share, soon to be the biggest system in the nation
The long-awaited launch of Citibike in New York City finally arrived Monday mostly to cheers. Seattle should be watching for a couple reasons. It is the biggest bike share system in the nation, and sure to set a lot of new standards. New York is a very crowded city with a lot of demand for…
Like Chicago, New York is also using bike lanes to compete for Seattle tech jobs
Remember when Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel called out Seattle during a press conference opening Chicago’s first protected bike lane through the dense downtown Loop? He said, “I expect not only to take all of their [Seattle and Portland’s] bikers but I also want all the jobs that come with this, all the economic growth that…
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Latest stories
- Washington adds another ring to its bike-friendly state rankings dynasty
- SDOT Director Greg Spotts announces February resignation
- Alert: It is once again time to voice overwhelming support for a safer Lake Washington Blvd
- Talking up biking in Seattle on Radio Free Urbanism
- You can finally file bike facility maintenance requests via SDOT’s Find It, Fix It app
- Seattle riders donated 2+ TONS of goods by bike during record-smashing 15th Annual Cranksgiving
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