Tag: seattle times
Thorness: Celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Lake Washington Bike Path
The Lake Washington Bike Path turns 125 this year! Or it would if it weren’t torn up in 1905 to build Interlaken Boulevard. Bill Thorness, author of “Cycling the Pacific Coast” and “Biking Puget Sound,” wrote a story for the Seattle Times about the history of the old path. Thorness also spoke with yours truly…
Even a skewed Seattle Times poll finds little support for more driving
You may have seen a headline from the Seattle Times going around this weekend saying that people in Seattle and Kind County don’t like bike lanes. Well, it’s not really as simple as the headline might suggest. I’ve been thinking about the poll for a couple days now, and we should get one thing out…
Mayor Durkan moves quickly to improve Rainier/Henderson intersection after someone seriously injured 2 kids
Just 12 days after someone driving struck and seriously injured two kids crossing the street at Rainier Ave and Henderson St, SDOT crews were out making significant temporary safety improvements to the wide intersection. The sense of urgency follows a weekend talk and rally for safe streets organized by Seattle Neighborhood Greenways and Mayor Jenny…
City of Sammamish, stop fighting King County over four trail stop signs
The City of Sammamish and King County are fighting in court over four proposed stop signs on two very low-traffic streets serving a handful of wealthy lakefront homes, and that fight is further delaying construction on the E Lake Sammamish Trail. The good news is that the County is winning so far. But the final…
No, the state’s new ‘E-DUI’ law does not apply to people biking
There has been a bit of confusion in recent days about whether Washington State’s new so-called E-DUI distracted driving law applies to people biking. It does not. The Seattle Times published a story over the weekend saying explicitly that the law does apply to people biking. Shelly Baldwin, government liaison for the WA Traffic Safety…
This unfortunate Seattle Times front page showcases the toxic windshield perspective
If I didn’t take the screenshot myself, I would assume this was a clever photoshop joke. But it’s real, as Washington Bike Law (a SBB sponsor) pointed out on Facebook. The top of Saturday’s Seattle Times teased a story about how it is dangerous for people to wear dark-colored clothing when they walk or bike right…
tagged: seattle times
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- 20 months after passage, strengthened negligent driving law now in effect in Washington State
- Is 2025 the year you become a community bike mechanic?
- Watch: Bob Svercl’s Seattle biking ‘best & worst’ of 2024
- Best Side Cycling filmed the rainy Montlake bike/walk bridge opening + Temporary Arboretum connection needed
- Feedback calls for walk/bike separation in Leary/Market plan, but people still prefer Shilshole for Missing Link
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