Tag: yes for transit
Yeah, there was no need to be worried about Seattle voting for transit
Transit is extremely popular in Seattle. More than 80 percent of voters approved Prop 1, which would expand the sales tax to fund bus transit service hours, infrastructure improvements and access programs in Seattle. And considering 9 in 10 registered voters weighed in on this election, that’s a pretty epic mandate from the people of…
Why you should vote YES for transit even though Prop 1 won’t be enough
Ballots are in the mail. And ejecting that complete monster from the White House is not the only thing on the ballot. For one, you’ll have a chance to help give local transit a fighting chance in the very difficult years ahead. Proposition 1 will not save transit on its own. The pandemic has done…
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- Ride Bicycles will close Seattle location as the retail bike shop business model faces uncertainty
- Washington adds another ring to its bike-friendly state rankings dynasty
- SDOT Director Greg Spotts announces February resignation
- Alert: It is once again time to voice overwhelming support for a safer Lake Washington Blvd
- Talking up biking in Seattle on Radio Free Urbanism
- You can finally file bike facility maintenance requests via SDOT’s Find It, Fix It app
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